I’m making a dragonfly wing. I’ve just made my base object by tracing around it with bezier curves and caused it to become solid by pushing “C”. (Why “C” anyway. Whats it stand for?)
Now I want to make it a mesh. A problem I often get when I do this conversion is that the mesh ends up becoming made of like six million triangles, depending on how many control points were used.
How do I make it a normal grid/organized poly made up of quads? Even if some detail in the curvature is lost?
C stands for closing or close to make it solid but doesn’t always work, sometime you need to W 2 to switch direction.
If you want organized quads perhaps avoid using curves at all if you need to convert them to meshes, you’d have far more control sub D modelling the wings if you want well organised quads and control.
Don’t know whether the new Retopo tool might help otherwise, or may be Alt J in edit mode to convert tris to Quads after you’ve converted curves to meshes.
I think, I’ve made the same question,… you can see my thread http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=88128
Good luck !!