BGE and Project Darkstar

Has anyone ever considered what it would take to create a game in Blender that would run on the Project Darkstar Servers? I guess some sort of plug in for Blender would have to be created.

I guess I was mostly interested to know if anyone in the Blender community had even heard of Project Darkstar?

you should provide some links, documentation, info- and if someoe is interested, that someone will google it further!

Very interesting.

I don’t think it would be quite so simple as just making a plugin.
It seems (I may have misinterpreted it) as if it is more of a library that you use to make your own server. Though if you are experienced at c\c++ it might be quite easy to set something up with it, either under a python wrapper to be accessed with scripting or directly integrated into the BGE.

It also looks like you would have to write your own client too.

They way I understand Project Darkstar, is that it has a structure for the server and for a client. For those of you who don’t know, it’s an open source project supported by sun for supporting MMORPG’s. The idea as I understand it, is that a hosting company could host the Darkstar server which would run however many online games or environments, the servers automatically spread the demand, so a little 30 person game would get appropriate resources relative to something like WoW that might be running on the same system. I certainly think it’s a cool idea, because if an indepent game developer could focus on story and game play and not worry about the server stuff, I would think it would go a lot faster. To boot, the ability to rent hosting space relative to the size (people playing at any given time) of your game, would be a money saver and allow the smaller games a place to run.

Just some thoughts…

you should check out project wonderland, it’s sun’s virtual world platform that uses project darkstar.

Well, I guess this is a moot point now.