BGE Development: Proposal Vertex hooks in game engine

it does not do physics,
with the right set of hooks, the “hook” objects can have physics,and be invisible, and change shape slightly while moving up,

The levelEditor3_save_load.blend does actualize the physic mesh.

yeah, but a object resting on it is not moved most of the time by the change, if you “poke it” it revises the change
it may have something to do with the scene “stopping” after 2 seconds etc, I’ll check it out,

Reinstancing the physic mesh take a lot of time. So the mesh will be reinstanced if the mouse button is released.

You can change this, but you will get a higher physic load if you reinstance on every vertex position change.

it’s not that I want the updates in real time,
I could handle a collision hitting a spot, and having it “animate” a mesh on another layer
and then initializing it once it is baked,
so the actual “bomb” will go off after it is “baked”
or mountain will rise etc,
would that help with time?

No I don’t understand what you want.

if you “poke it” it revises the change it may have something to do with the scene “stopping” after 2 seconds etc, I’ll check it out,

Before you leave the scene you must sore the vertex data and if you change, add, reload the scene you need to load the stored vertex data.

and having it “animate” a mesh on another layer and then initializing it once it is baked

You can’t animate and bake something on an inactive layer.

If you want to animate a mesh without bones and playback it. Then use a Shape key animation.
If you want to animate the retain dynamically on a certain place you need to store the vertex changes over time.

I have been thinking about making maps, this would be awsome for that in realtime, but also for something akin to red faction