Yes, I am working on a BGE FPS, more specifically a template. I will be releasing all .blends I create, I hope the community will join me in a quest for a BGE FPS community project we can all be proud of. Feel free to give suggestions, critiques or anything else you would want to provide.
I am looking to get some more people on board with me, so I would just like to say feel free to assist if you wish. :yes:
Notes; I can do Python, Logic, modeling (not character though.) and animation. I would appreciate some help in the fields of; Character modeling, level design, GUI, sounds. Also more scripters and modelers would not be unwelcome.
I give you the King of the Crows BGE Template! (9mb)
Sorry about the size, it has weapon textures and normal maps as well as other textures.
Also if some one would be kind enough to re-upload somewhere else, mediafire is none too reliable.
Just a note about reducing size, sounds obvious but took me a while to figure out is to zip it. It reduced a 5 meg blend file of mine (sounds and images packaged) to 1.5 megs. Makes this 9.9meg file into 2.3 megs
Note on the actual game, it’s very good but the movements could benefit from being servo motion instead of simple motion, as with the loc method you can sometimes go through stuff…
I am currently making a FPS and am gathering all the templates I can get to learn from. Thanks!
EDIT: I might be able to help with supplying a demo/test level I have/will be making for my FPS, for your template. I might be able to help with texturing if you need it.
@ sdfgsdfg
thanks for the suggestions, later today I will post again with servo control movements in a zipped blend.
@ Logidude I’d like to take you up on your offer of a demo level.
-Thanks, KingoftheCrows