BGE is still alive, in alarm to some. What future

All creative people hello.
Since, talking about BGE in the direction of “death”, a very bad tone, this topic will be different.

If somebody make compatibility with the new OpenGL, add light modern SSAO, Bloom, material as a source of light, a light source with spherical shadows, obscene shadows, as well as at the level of standard materials - mirror, water, parralax (shader), even NOD smoke - which is really real for the present time, it would be a weighty product.

What else would you like to see in the future BGE?

Someone there wrote on the forum - BGE for the year can be made candy. Yes, he’s already a candy, it’s just that they hid some - one of the strongest engines on the planet. A multi-KIT takes out all.

Even I with my knowledge in GLSL, a little optimized Blur (from the source). Then finish and lay out, if possible. While the problem is somehow with the old OpenGL syntax, and the lack of some functions, respectively.

Thank you for attention.

p.s. in my language the word “tone” is written as a consonant name, and also pronounced

For example, if Stalker® studio (GSC Game World®) had taken seriously the old BGE®, I think they made it one of the most advanced GE in a shorter time than to improve their x-ray engines. And even to license for yourself - completely. The tool that already exists, he is already a leader, just a little to refine.

BGE is not dead, there is a person/developper working on a 2.8+ bge version, will probably get out somewhere in 2019/2020.


There is such a thing - mental programming.
When I go to the BA, the first thing I see is that - BGE is dead. And the slow death of blender
Why do you all respond in this post? That all on the ears was just this - dead, slow death…
Well, if you want to work on - dead, slow death - answer further.

We will not just destroy BGE, we will make you work for it. Nose-nose, it’s fun to be an idiot.

So why making this thread if you want to get rid of such threads? (no offense)

This thread has nothing to add to bge itself, for that you need to hop over to other blender websites, one of them is At least the developers come/read there.

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  • no Cotaks, I did not change my mind - everything is in its place, everything is as it is - the equalizer.

Panzergame, LordLoki and DrBinary are working on upbge*

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  • and who are these guys?

upbge :smiley:

UPBGE - not yet. So far I have not even learned the language of shaders, I would have to learn C ++… may be. The basis is still good, not even spoiled and not trimmed.


And who knows, is it difficult for a professional programmer to make the compatibility of BGE with the new OpenGL 4.6 or 3.2 (3.3)?


Hey Ya.
Here such a theme is the words of one person who understands well enough in Blender’s code - “Unity is a shit-code (who the programmer, he will understand)”

If suddenly, at the end of the development, Blender 2.8, the employees in the fight against industrial espionage, are blown to the office, and the BGE code is confiscated (or the whole program code), with consequences - do not believe it. Even if in Unity there will be a lot of code from BGE! It’s a show, just a show.
Whatever you write or say - BGE at the time of the most optimized engines. It’s just that somebody there has cut down (blocked) the functional - like a conveyors, and it seems like even OpenGL (GLSL) API (it is necessary to verify). All the rest is just a farce, destruction.
It was all planned before - “Ton, what did you throw sponsors and paid you future income?”

They want to destroy everything on the basis of BGE in the future - UPBGE …

Тон, ми слідкуємо за тобою, старий розвідувальник … (ти ж можеш це прочитати і без перекладача) - м, м.

I am a programmer and I don’t understand it. Let me give you a simple example. Contrary to the BGE, Unity is heavily multithreaded both in their C++ core and this can even be used on the scripting level for a very tight integration. This is miles ahead of the BGE on a technical level.
For any kind of code, you find tons of experienced developers who don’t like it for whatever reason, but this never means it is shit-code.

The remaining parts of your post are just bullshit without any factual basis. Who cares about facts if there are opinions?

We just got bullet 3 threaded physics !

also Tristan making logic nodes and has just added uniform caching :smiley:

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~Pretty sure Dantus is a Unity shill.

It is not my intention to bash the work of the UPBGE developers! I answered to a post which makes ridiculous claims which are simply not true, that’s all.

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I don’t know why people are worried about “Blender Game Engine”, when we have “Armory” on the horizon.

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Armory is very promising, but like you said it’s still “on the horizon”. Not ready yet and no 100% guarantee it will reach the production ready state. What i’m trying to say is that things can happen like the Patreon setback(Armory is now ~50% funded, instead of 100%). I think it’s great that guys are keeping up the UPBGE development.

I reckon there isn’t as many tutorials and resources for armory. Maybe that is turning some people off.

Me, I don’t like haxe. Find it too much like java, in all the bad ways.
Java, it’s just one of those languages I don’t touch outside work hours. God forbid.

NINJA EDIT: effy grammar.