High and stable framerate is really important especially for complex games. So it will be very helpfull if we got more information about BGE performance, issues, tip and tricks etc. Lets share the information!!! I offer to write all replies in similar maner.
- Post template -
PERFORMANCE(first of all system and performance part. post here you system info and benchmark results. if you see that someone already describe system and results similar to yours - just skip it)
I made a simple benchmark from my old blender work. So you need to do next steps:
Restart your computer. Dont run any application for clear result. Open downloaded file with latest version of Blender.
Select model and go to Edit Mode (Tab), select all polys (A)
Press W -> Subdivide Smooth -> Ok
Press W -> Subdivide Smooth -> Ok
Press W -> Subdivide Smooth -> Ok (I can upload already subdivided mesh but it will be around 16Mb)
Now character have 85k polys. You can see that in the top string of Blender screen (Fa:85760-85760). But we need a triangles so press Ctrl+T. Now character have 150k triangles.
Press Tab for Object Mode. Then press P to run Blender Game Engine. It can take some time start with those amount of triangles - be patient.
Watch the demo 10-20 secs and note the average fps. You find it at the top-left corner of the screen.
If your computer goes very fast with 150k triangles, you can subdivide model more (notice that in results). Every new subdivision increase amount of polygons in 4 times! Blender can stuck or even crash cause of this.
Dell XPS m1530 laptop
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz ()
RAM - 2 Gb
Video - NVidia GeForce 8600 GT 256Mb
Screen Resolution - 1280x800
Blender version - 2.49b
150k triangles - 60 fps (sometimes BGE starts slower and give just 30 fps)
TIPS AND TRICKS(something about how to increase framerate or what can decrease it. if you dont know anything about this - just skip it)
triangulate your mesh - it can give you a few fps.
shadows can eat a lot of frames! dont use it if you can.
Seems like material nodes do not reduse framerate so much. At least a simple nodes =). So use it freely.
QUESTIONS(ask any questions and dont be shy =). no questions? skip it.)
I use one mesh data used in many different objects. Can it be useful to save some RAM or video memory?
Sometimes BGE startup in weird maner. It looks like framerate limited with 30 fps and perfomance much lower than usually (scene and parameters same). Why is this happen?
-End of post-
PS. Moderators, please make this thread sticky if this possible. I think those statistic and information can be really usefull for many blenderheads.
PPS. Dont be shy to ask questions and share optimization methods. I`m sure this is really important for making better complex games and for overall BGE improvements.
Windows Vista home Premium stationery computer
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2 Ghz ()
RAM - 2 Gb
Video - NVidia GeForce 8600 GT 256Mb
Blender version - 2.49a
30 fps - 97k quads (GLSL, one lamp, no shadows)
7 fps - about 400k quads (GLSL, one lamp, no shadows)
Our computers are very alike, and you got a laptop, how can you get better frame rate than me?
Windows Vista home Premium 32-bit(thought id add that in)stationery computer
CPU - Amd Anthlon 64 X2 2.6Ghz ()
RAM - 3 Gb @ 800MHz
Video - ATi Radeon 4890 1GB
Blender version - 2.49a
85 fps - 100k tris (GLSL, one lamp, no shadows)
50 fps - 400k tris (GLSL, one lamp, no shadows)
I could possibly get a higher fps if i had a better motherboard, i currently have pci-e X16 1.0 port, but the video card is built for 2.0.
Also i think i got decent fps at 400k tris is because i have 1GB video card memory.
Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo @ 2.0 GHz
RAM - 4 Gb
Video - Nvidia GTX 260M 1GB
Blender version - 2.49a
29 fps - 3000k tris (GLSL, one lamp, no shadows)
Note: it takes about 50 seconds to load 3 million triangles into memory. =|
The second computer has:
Windows XP Home 32-bit
CPU - Pentium 4
Video - Intel Integrated Graphics Chip
Blender version - 2.49a
39 fps - 1k tris (no GLSL, one lamp, no shadows) (Not GLSL compatible)
19 fps - 100k tris (no GLSL, one lamp, no shadows) (Not GLSL compatible)
12 fps - 200k tris (no GLSL, one lamp, no shadows) (Not GLSL compatible)
Don’t have my computer now, but I’d like to make a suggestion:
Use a standardized blend file, perhaps with separate scenes for different number of triangles. Not all triangles are created equal! Not to mention the differences between GLSL, Texface, and Multitexture. If you want actually useful information, then you have to control as many conditions as you can.
Parhelion, maybe you can post a blend file that you used to test?
In general, other ways to keep results reliable:
Restart your computer and run Blender with no other programs open.
Always run in the same mode (GLSL, Multitexture, Texface) or post results for all 3.
Always run from the same viewpoint (a specific camera in the blend would work fine).
This CAN be useful data, but only if conditions are controlled.
to All
Guys, forgive me my stupidness =) please edit yours posts with new results from benchmark file.
And i create this thread first of all for TIP AND TRICKS. Benchmark is just dessert =).
Zarnik, i think not only quads can be a reason of this. It can be OS (i use win7 32 beta), videomemory (my is DDR3, your can be DDR2), screen resolution (my is just 1280x800 if yours bigger it takes much more video memory). Use the benchmark and here my screenshot -
Windows XP 32 Bit
CPU - AMD 64 3200+ SINGLE CORE @ 2,4GHz
RAM - 2Gb 800MHz DDR2
Video - ATI Radeon 4890 - 1GB
Blender version - 2.49b
Res: 1600x1200 / 32bit
GLSL with standard file setup ( back lamp left in)
“enable all frames” and display lists ticked
3 x W ok, ctrl t — 151296 Faces, 226944 Edges
137 fps avg, stable
one more W ok, , ctrl -t gives 605184 faces and 907776 edges
131 fps avg, stable
5th w and blender crashes
switching display lists off results in half the framerate
This is a pure Game(-engine) rig, therefore the “prehistoric” CPU. However it even runs Crysis smoothly ( DX9, 20-50 fps, avg. 33 fps, everything on high, not kidding) and i’m still using my old 400W PSU (gets only handwarm, no ingame crashes at all).
if you had more cores you could get an even higher fps in crysis, your cpu is realy capping ur nice graphics card
Yes, i know my friend. But this one gives the very best “bang for buck”. Look at other crysis benchmarks with killer CPUs on the net. Not much better. I can still update the CPU, if i have some spare cash. But for all the games i play now: Smooth is smooth and even smoother is nice but not economic. EDIT: Apart from that: Upgrading the CPU would certainly make me also buy a new PSU (750 W just to make sure). Ouch.
I guess your right in some ways, the graphics will be smooth if there isnt any physics stuff going on, but if theres a huge realtime explosion and theres bits flying everywhere your game would lagg because your CPU cant keep up(unless its magical). anyway i thought this thread was dead lol?
Interesting… 4 year old laptop gets 85fps with the basic benchmark and 45fps with a further level of subdivision (605k triangles). :eek:
Blender 2.49b
Vista Home Premium
Nvidia 7600 Go GPU (128Mb)
1.66MHz Intel Core2 Duo
Resolution: 1280 x 1024
The game engine really has improved.
Edit: “Generate diaplay lists” was enabled. Without this, frame rate was down to 20fps for the 605k triangle test. Game start time was about 7 seconds without generating display list and about 10 seconds with generate disply lists selected.
oh and also if i set the priotirty in task manager to realtime i get about 10 frames more. oh and i also noticed the rasteriser is only at like 10 and the overhead is at like 80, what does overhead mean?