Is it possible to read directly the keyframes in an action ? To read and get the LOC,ROT,SCALE …
Im not asking about play an action but to read it
Is it possible to read directly the keyframes in an action ? To read and get the LOC,ROT,SCALE …
Im not asking about play an action but to read it
in UPBGE 0.3+ it is possible with bpy:
my_loc =["Airfoil"].fcurves[0].evaluate(frame_float)
yes nice for upbge users, i even had to use those fcurves things to clean animation bakings … buut, im with Range.
I dont think Range/BGE has anything like that … or maybe have some empty playing the action and so one can copy the worldPosition, but that’s not very neat .
Finally , i gonna just output and store values in tables
Just tested it in Range.
it works in embedded player but not in Standalone.
probably not so bad idea at all.
huh? you mean ?["Airfoil"].fcurves[0].evaluate(frame_float)
? bpy works in Range ? A new version ?
or u mean my simple suggestion ?
I tested the bpy-code in Range 1.5b.
It really works in embedded player but not in Standalone. so not much usage for you I bet.
aah, yeah, i hardly remember that embedded player was closer to Blender than the Standalone . But for me, bpy was always upbge-eevee only …
So yeah, for me, only standalone Range matters