BGE refuses to render textures properly?

I have baked the textures onto my model and applied the UV texture which, as can be seen in the attached screen shots, is visible in both the rendered image and in the object mode view screen. However when I switch to the BGE, I lose the texturing, (see screen shots)

I do not have a GLSL capable graphics card and using the “multi-textured” setting gives the most usable output from the BGE.

I had a similar problem with the sky-box which took multiple attempts following several different tutorials before for some unexplained reason it started to render.

I have been trying to get the textures to render in the BGE for about three days and it is beginning to drive me a bit crazy. I am sure it is something really basic that I do not properly understand and would be grateful for some help.

(I have tried to include a variety of settings in the screen shots in the hope that it will help someone help me)



Your screens really don’t show many of the relevant settings. If I had to guess, I’d say you need to map your texture to UV and perhaps specify the name of the UV layer to use.

Thanks for replying, sorry about not displaying the correct details, I was more concerned with demonstrating the problem. Here is some screen-shots of the various button windows and my baked UV texture, (I am not sure of the terminology)

I am also not sure what it is I am missing, so I don’t really know what button details to focus on. If you need anything else please tell me.

The thing that really bugs me is that the baked texture displays perfectly in the object, edit and render windows. It is only when I switch to BGE that it disappears?

Thanks again for replying.


I do not really use 2.5x yet, so I am not sure… but maybe it’s just the shading-mode not set to “Textured”?


Sorry, that did not work. I just tried checking the texture button and the only noticable difference was to make the BGE screen darker?

But thanks anyway.


If you post a .blend file I’ll take a look.

Thanks, I had to do a bit of jiggling, (packing then unpacking,) in order to get the bits and pieces under the upload limits. To make matters worse, I have only just woke up and have still to have my coffee.

I am sure it is something ridiculously elementary, but this is my first real attempt at a Blender project.

I notice that the texture was unpacked as a .png file type but the the unloader has marked as a .jpg?

You may need to change that and will probably have to change the Blender file path, but you know that anyway.


Zap_baked.blend (967 KB)

In the main viewport next to the ‘Object Mode’ dropdown is a dropdown with a white circle icon. Click that and select ‘textured’.

Well, I’ve downloaded your .blend…no texture packed…downloaded your texture…(re)load it in the image panel ( browse in my HD)…Alt-Z ( Textured mode), then P…
And it works!

Sorry, I tried that, (it was suggested by Quen,) but the only difference it makes is to make the BGE screen darker. The base “material (skin)” is rendering, it is the “texture (skin/UV_skin/Zap_Baked)” that is not rendering.

(The reason why the texture was not packed was because of the upload limit for a .blend file)


Hmmm it works fine this end when I simply reapply the texture and enable the textured shading mode.

Make sure the image is being loaded correctly. Try putting the texture in the same directory as the .blend and reloading it.


No, it is definitely not working here. I just put in a clean re-installation of Blender 2.53, I also tried last weeks SVN version. I even changed the image format to .jpg and as you can see, the base material yes, texture no.

This is very strange, as an experiment, I just tried it out on Blender 2.49b and it worked, which raises the question of why it is working on 2.5x installations for everyone else, but not for me?

Has anybody any thoughts on this? It cannot be bug since it is not reproducible, it must be something about me or my installation?


Same problem - I can only see textures get applied by rendering (F12). Texture shading in 3d view just makes objects darker.

EvgenijM86, a couple of questions:

  1. Are you using a Linux distro?

  2. Is your graphics chip of an “Intel integrated xxxxx” flavour?

After some research and a lot of anguish, I believe my problem is rooted with Intel no longer supporting Linux, this has resulted in a multi-generational bug in the Linux core. The bug manifests in many varieties and flavours and is supposed to have been fixed on several occasions.

Blender 2.5xx seems to be particularly susceptible, 2.4xx does not seem to be affected quite as badly and the effects are barely noticeable?

What makes it even more frustrating is that sometimes a model renders fine in the BGE and if it does so that model will continue to render derivative blends. (I wish I could pin down the exact steps that I took to cause that to happen.)

Also, if I switch from “multi-texture” to “texture-face” I can get the BGE to render fairly consistently, but then the lighting ceases to work, (arrgh!)

I would like to hear from other people who have had problems with this, (especially if they are running a Windows distro) and of course I would love to hear of any kind of “fix” that does not involve switching to Xp or buying new graphics card.

  1. Yes, I am using latest Kubuntu (Lucid).

  2. No, NVidia 8600 GT.

I’ve managed to display a texture in 3d view. Here’s how I did it:

  1. Enable GLSL in display properties (“N” button in 3D View)
  2. Select your model, go to Object Data and add “UV Texture” slot.
  3. Create material, then create texture and make sure that:
    3.1) in “Mapping” options of your texture you choose UV coordinate system and select the slot you added.
    3.2) you are using a bitmap texture, not procedural one. Doesn’t work with procedurals for me.

It also displays them in BGE. Tried many other combinations, but they all failed - only rendered by hitting F12.

Edit: and of course you need to select Textured shading in your 3d View.
Edit2: was using 2.54 b from All settings are defaults, except for font size.

Can you repeat your success by rendering another model in the BGE?

I am using Ubuntu Lucid, though I think my graphics chip is the real problem. I can get BGE to render by clicking “GLSL” or “Texture Face” but like I say, I lose all lighting in the BGE, (no shading shadows and very dull and dark).

Also, I don’t think that “GLSL” really works with my graphics chip, so to get any shading effects I have to trick it into rendering using “multi-textures”. I actually just had a moderate success:

I had made a group of asteroids and finally found the perfect image to replace a few procedural textures that were causing problems. I was playing with various choices under the influence tab and, when selecting “overlay”, they started to render in the BGE… YESSS!

I tried to repeat it with another problem, but it did not want to play ball.

The solution to that particular problem is interesting: I have a star-box and to get it to render in the BGE, I have to texture each face individually and use a texture with “no type”. It is not a particularly satisfying solution, but at least it allows me to work on the project. I suppose if I ever want to publish, I will have to do a final texturing of the star-box in my old Xp laptop, (a box that is very close to ultimate and final mechanical death.)

I must admit though, what is really driving me nuts is that since I am a Blender Noob, I am never really sure if my rendering problems are a result of my ineptitude or as a result of this bug.

Try making that texture 1024x1024 pixels. Graphics hardware only works on images of dimensions in the series 2^x (1024,2048 etc), so it might be that the drivers/hardware isn’t handling the 1023x1023 properly.

I am, (usually,) keeping the images as powers of two, that particular iteration of the blend was an aberration. I don’t know how it managed to creep in, especially on something posted to a public forum :o

Though thank you for showing an interest.