BGE removing lamps to performance?

I have 12 point lamps in level 2 working on ( = 1.0) when player near sensor positive distance 30 and off( = 0.0) for negative sensor.If i create empty to all lamps and add and remove by near distance player can get more perfomance?in this will have just 1 lamp add and active cause distance between lamps is more of 30.


the bge has terrible light issues. you cant add lights, lights on inactive layers are still processed, setting energy to zero doesnt improve performance, libloaded lights dont affect the scene, and the list goes on.

simply put, theres no good way to optimize lights in the bge. you could have the available lights follow you around, tracking to the 10 nearest empties.

understand? we need create add remove light its a object in world real.may be add on?
hey we can parent light to empty right?
i think we can remove the problem is how add.
here in blender render bpy need convert to bge and done

i think static objects with 300 to 500+ faces not receiving lights will improvment performance.This objects i go remove and add by empty.i think better of set just visible unvisible may be

a track simulate? example just create 11 emptys and if player near distance 20 and distance between emptys would be 40 double then in exaclty moment play out of first point te lamp go to 2nd point,… 3nd point…?Can work with just one point light i think same effect

How many lights there are on at the same time? Adding/removing lights to scene is mostly slow and inefficient in BGE. There is one other thing, however, that you can do. You can move lights. An easy way would be setting their energy to 0.0 when they’re not used, but also moving them to the right position when required. So, if you have no more than 5 lights affecting visible objects at once, you just need 5 lights that you move around to different positions.

i made that setting 0.0 energy off and 1.0 to on.its around 15 lamps.go try work with just 2 or 3 max in run time.

i think will create option like enable disable shadows and shaders one more for reduce resolution default of 1360x768 to 1024x768(weak machines) will give 10 to 15% percent more performance

I’m fairly certain the limit is 8 lamps. But you can swap them in and out as needed…that is how I do it…

no i will have max 4 lamps affecting objects(in all parts of game) maybe disable casting buffer shadows to all materials of objects. not more but if lights available or added bge keep processing with energy 0.00 or 1.00 its indiferent.
i think better reduce to work with 3 fix lamps like 2 inverse hemi and 1 sun and 1 variable lamp passing level by level around play to get good effect just this.
Now in main scene have arround 12 point lights 2 hemis 1 sun and 1lightplayer.Wish remove 11 points and make 1 single point track to player in all scene by near 20 with point appearing at near 40 in ever location of player.need think how yet

Yes i try have max 4 lamps(2 inverse hemis(no process shadows) 1 sun and 1 variable lamp(both shadows processing)) affecting objects(in all parts of game) maybe disable casting buffer shadows to all materials of objects. not more but if lights available or added bge keep processing with energy 0.00 or 1.00 its indiferent.
i think better reduce to work with 3 fix lamps like 2 inverse hemi and 1 sun and 1 variable lamp passing level by level around play to get good effect just this.
Obs: a lightplayer is just for all lamps with energy 0.00 and emissive materials 0.00 too looking good for open world level.

For older machines 8 is the limit indeed, but these days(newer systems) you can have over 50, or was it 100? anyway a lot more.

That’s why i use 8 lamps in total, 2 hemi’s, 1 sun, 5 point or spot lights, these 5 i move around to lit the closest things around the active camera.

I thought it was related to the OGL version from blender, not the cards support…are you sure…if you tested it I will take it as granted.(that is I trust you.)

I used 100+ lamps here:

Ah ok, I remember the scene…noted.