BGMC 17 Livestream! 8:00pm EST (UST-7) | Status: Ended

Greetings everyone!
Tonight I will be livestreaming some gameplay of the BGMC 17 games. I hope to see you there! :smiley:


YouTube links:
Part 1:

Part 2:

I just realized that I never updated the status in the title. Regardless, I would like to thank everyone that showed up! I really enjoyed it! :smiley:

I’m excited to see this again- I may or may not have time- I only have wifi for part of today.

Decided to switch it to twitch after experimenting for a bit. It seems to have better compression and significantly less delay.

You had to get new levels to buy new bait(earthworm = level 4, fly = level 9, caterpillar = level 16. Each new bait improves the catch chance compared to first one like:
earthworm = 2x, fly = 3x, caterpillar = 4x. Later I noticed that it is too difficult for players to get so high XPs as it requires too much time. I am really sorry for that…

Golden Reel Fishing!