BGMC 18 | Basejump

Howdy folks, here’s a lil demo I put together super late. Got some prettier assets to replace these with so I’ll post up that soon!

The game looks great. But the contest ended today… Tomorrow is going to be used as “Bugfixing day”

Ah, well, other commitments meant this took a hit, I’ll post it here anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

Your concept is very different from the other games. I think nobody thought about that.
Keep it :wink:

if you got the time, make the target look like stonehenge.

Hey, please don´t give up and post your game to the finished games section. There´s still a chance :D. And if others don´t mind I´d allow you to add some textures to your game still.

i dont mind!

I don’t mind too :slight_smile:

And so do I(don’t mind)!:wink: