YAY!!! happy to enter a BGMC again. This time around, I’ll be making a game where you (the player) are an ordinary drab bird. You find fulfilment in getting lots of colourful feathers that you find and wearing them in your plumage until you have all those normal lack-luster feathers replaced! But wait! there are other ordinary birds in the area, and they want colours too!!! Smaller birds will swarm and attack you, you lose your feathers! But small birds also lack the energy to fly far. while they are resting, drop things on them to knock them out for a little while and steal back what was rightfully yours.
Thats the plan anywho/. I’ll be lucky if I don’t wake up every day this week with different idea in mind. Some thoughts that I am having trouble with: 2D or 3D? 3D flight mechanics would be fabulously fun to make and play, but my 3D art isn’t the best. 2D game would probably look really nice, and i would be able to add more fluff into the game over the two-week time frame, but it would lack the fun of flying in 3D.
Give me your thoughts please. i’ll try to get a poll going here. Also, what art style do you think i should follow?
Thanks for your time, good luck with all of your games!!!
Speaking from experience playing Toy Commander, doing bombing runs can be pretty tough to pull off as a player in 3D. It also provides the challenge of having to avoid missiles (or in this case, small birds) when you can’t always see them coming because of their position and vector relative to the camera. For those reasons I’d go with a 2D treatment unless elements of your idea change a bit, since it’s easier to judge distance on a plane and can see things coming for all direction. These thoughts are a bit bittersweet for me, because I do love 3D flight.
On the whole, it sounds like a lovely idea, I imagine it filled with tree limbs and open sky. Interested to see where you go with it.
Thanks for your input lushmoss!! Yes, i agree that it would make visibility and just basically understanding what is happening harder to do the game in 3D. I hope my game lives up to your expectations.
Sounds fancy!!! so like 3D graphics on a 2d play area?
I was originally going to make pre-rendered frames of this guy, but maybe 2.5D i can actually use this model: about one and a half hours.
@Smoking_mirror would 2.5D have a 3D background? or drawn in 2D?
You parent the armature to a cube and find out which direction the player is moving. Then rotate the armature to face that way.
Only apply force on the x and z axis. You can use a servo motion actuator to make sure it remains locked on the y axis.
You get the benefits of 3d (less time processing 3d in to 2d) and the simplicity of 2d. It’s also much easier to plan your levels, as you can draw them out on paper.
@ARadish there should by power ups that the bird can collect that pass a government ordnance banning the hunting of them. (only temporarily of course) Ohh! an a phoenix upgrade that turns the bird into a mythical creature of fire.
and then you can get revenge on the smaller birds that had the odaciety to take your feathers!
Even better! the bird can collect all red feathers to turn into a fire phoenix, all blue to turn into a water or lightning phoenix, all white to become an ice phoenix, that sort of thing.
or, if the bird collects a variation of colors, they get weak powers from all categories.
but if they collect all one color, they get powerful abilities for that class.
Funny, once i started getting used to the idea of a 2D game, then people start voting 3D. lol.
I guess i’ll get started tomorrow, and then see where the natural currents of the workflow take me. I will try to post a video of my current progress later.
I will post video of progress hopefully tomorrow. @smoking_mirror : how can i use servo control to clamp the players to the y axis? i never got it to work. Right now i’m using constraints logic brick
A birds wings are mounted up on its back. They extend from the shoulder blades. Theres quite a lot of muscle at the base of thd wings but not much on the wing itself.
For the servo motion actuator you can set max force to zero (deactivate it) on the axis you want to remain fixed. It will then use as much force as needed to keep it from moving off that axis.
Here is my work so far on the colour bird so far. @gandalf3 helped me jury-rig a system to change between the colours and the drab. All of this is WiP, i will try to make the bird less discordant in the future and i still need to paint the front of the wings.
In addition to this, i have worked on the controls for the game, and the AI for the enemy birds. Later i will post some concept art as to what the world should look like. The enemies can now patrol, land, chase you, get above you, and dive. If they dive, regardless of hit or miss, they go into walk mode for 13 seconds. I am trying to get them to flutter around like they aren’t well controlled, but i’m having some trouble with that. i’ll keep you guys posted.