[BGMC 22] | Game with no name!

Hey guys, I went for a very fast entry earlier today. I’m not really sure where to go with this, so I’m just going to submit it as it is :slight_smile: It was a nice break from my current UE4 project!

There is no aim to the game. Just wonder around and read the exploration quotes :slight_smile: It’s a little bit buggy sometimes as it’s all spawned in. The quote boards might go crazy. If so, just restart and it will do a new generation :slight_smile:

Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3fNHFFEy8SKd1hMRzdwd0JPdXc/view?usp=sharing

Yea, it isnt much of a game but the quotes are nice! :slight_smile:

Interesting idea :slight_smile:

It somehow managed to turn into a parkour map though:
