BI Mosque _ Interior
Blender Internal Render
800 X 800
So that’s what a Mosque interior looks like, where are the chairs. Little joke, it’s actually very nice. Even though I’m Catholic, what you have done Adi Dharmawan is very beautiful. Finish the rest of the interior and show it to your local Hoya/Mufti, I think he will like that.
I’m not Muslim but the image looks nice and clean.
What’s a Hoya/Mufti? Don’t you mean a Muslim cleric or Imam?
Selamat sore!
That looks quite nice. I am a fan of architecture, are you going to publish a .blend file?
I like the lighting, really nice job!
Oooh, shiney. And my brain is busy trying to decypher sigils from a religion I know nothing about, whee :D.
The only thing I’m not sure about is the door back there; is that supposed to be a corner or niche of some sort? Because it looks like it just ends there in stone.
Thx 2 u all for comments:
Thx 2 u all for comments:
@star weaver
It’s called Mihrab, for Imam leads praying (ended wall)
@cyborg dragon
he called Imam (leads in praying)
u can speak indonesian? wow…
here’s an update
looks very nice and clean!
how long does rendering take with AO?
Well Adi explained most of it but I think that’s also the part of the Mosque where it’s practically required that it points to Mecca.
Cool i like the shinyness look about it.
Bukan, tidak begitu, saya hanya berpura-pura berbicara Indonesia:eyebrowlift2:
Apa tentang banjir di Jakarta? Apakah lebih baik sekarang?
The render looks great, but that looks like YafRay render because it looks like you got some photons leaking out in the corners and around the door a lot. You need to decrease the blur radius or put a wall behind that door, so that its not 2D but 3D
Thx 2 u All:
I used Blender internal render with AO on. Maybe i must increase d AO samples value (but it tooks a long time to render)
It rendered about 20 minutes (with low OSA) n default samples
Jakarta sekarang sudah mulai pulih kembali (lebih baik). Meski dibeberapa tempat masih ada sisa bekas banjir (or masih terendam). Kamu pengamat masalah lingkungan juga yah… nice!
@Cyborg Dragon
Yes u right (thx for helping explanation)
It’s good to hear that Jakarta is recovering from the flood. I hope you will get rid of the remnants as fast as possible. And it’s more the people i am worried about which are suffering from the environmental circumstances
I think a little more contrast in the ceiling wouldn’t hurt, right now it looks like only AO is lighting, could use a bounce light from the shiny floor.
How to make it?
Make an area light with a square size of 100, point it upwards, and position it just above the floor.
Or take a square spot light, set the buffer shadow softness and the rate it spreads out to a really high value, and tweak the range so it goes to the roof.