Bidirectional interior rendering with Yafaray

Hi all!
I started this image one year ago, I just coming back on it ! I had the idea to test this scene with the Bidirectional Pathtracer method. Here’s the first results ( original final rendering 2K x 2K px, raw render):

Of course, I use Physics to make the blanket ( a simple subdivised plane). Blanket as a Cloth, seat as Collider and gravity do the rest. But I had some troubles to get good results ( the blanket was always in levitation above the seat, I’m not an expert in animation and Physics, it’s more a test for me).

Almost finished !

Love the color palette, really nice!

That’s looking pretty sweet, man.

Could you tell me what´s the size of the chair…? Height, width, in cm…?

Hi and thanks for comments !
andrepazleal_ height & width: 90 cm ( around), model from ( “my version of Swan chair”).

Thank you…

I guess it’s my final rendering, maybe will change some things after your critics & comments. More detailed Wip here

Bravo. Looks great. The leather texture on the chair is very convincing (as are all of the materials). Tremendous work!

Very nice. I’d be interested to hear how you did the shag carpet.

Thanks for commets !
m9105826_ carpet was made with instances ( Alt+D) of a mesh from Bertrand Benoit. I need to remesh it ( decime, too much polygons), cover made with Cloth modifier, reading lamp downloaded and cleaned up from googlewarehouse, Leatherseat from… I made this interior to improve my knowledge about Bidirectional Pathtracing in Yafaray ( and by curiosity).