Big Banana Painting

Hi took me a week to paint that… it’s based on my friend’s drawing… I didn’t change anything… my purpose was to practice painting and learn some lessons from it to improve myself. I think it has been successful in teaching me a lot of important lessons on art so I’m happy with it.

I’d like your comments, your thoughts, or anything. :slight_smile:

Here it is…

Ye gads DM, this image is awesome!

The use of colour and the composition is great, no crits.

(My will go down again. No money. So will be my home to my artworks for now.)

And madcow… long time no see! Thanks for your comments! I appreciate it! :smiley: How’s everything going with you?

great! love the lighting and colours

as this was a paint over i wont comment on the proportions, but it sorta looks cool in a stylized way

my only crit then is that the breast area is very undefined, it needs a few more harder edges around it and a bit more deeper shadows.