Big can download *.tar.gz with my[1024x768] image from here:

Today or tommorow i’ll drop first snapshoots of my WIP 911 Carerra GT 3/ …at wip forum. :wink:

why hastent anyone else commented on this ??

nice work :Z :Z :Z :Z

Holy i could barely tell it wasnt real!

:smiley: Look here … and here :o

and :slight_smile: here

Blue one and pearl one are not yet published, but they are more real. When i finish code my material’s definition into yafray’s shader i’ll publish it without using tricks of The Gimp.

dewd really awesome :o

It’s about 40% of my imagination, but thx… Other way …too many things at the same time :).

Burt.S. :o thats one hell of a cycle… dude I only got one crit I like the second one better jk :smiley: LOL, the work real cool…

:o whooow, They really need to implant Yafray in blender :smiley: awesome work, soo realistic, great :smiley:

uh, what happened to your avatar man?


That looks great, i wanna ride it right now.

i haven’t enough time to do really good modeling in week or two that’s why my models are very simple. For a second i’v been working with blender (and with 3’rd dimension) not regularly since four months, with yafray about two months. As you see i’m still newbie :).

Yeah! Right. The second one looks better, but now it’s only removed color chanel :slight_smile: (with The Gimp it takes about one-two seconds).

first time I looked at the pic I was like: o_o
the 2nd time: 0_o
the 3rd time: o_0
the fourth: 0_0
and I’m still like that since then 0_0!!

awesome model and render man. It’s awesome!