I thought you hate me, the advantage of a analog CPU ? I don’t know, something I heard on TV. Would anyone know the advantage ?
I have clear definitions between hate and annoyance, in which the latter I openly express myself, however lacking much sympathy for others feelings. No matter what blengine says towards me, I was not immaturely attacking him in that other thread, just stating what is obvious. He never actually directly denied what I said about him, just squirmed around concepts. I said much of that not because I am egotistical, but for two reasons, one, I live through it myself, and two, I work with people just like that all the time. I have seen it from both perspectives. Also, even without what I claim, when it comes to modern medicine and psychiatry, there is much information that makes him wrong and hardly any that would make him right. The point to consider when listening to him, is that all of his side of the ‘argument’ is merely intuition and assumption, not data and facts, and I believe that most can agree that intuition and assumption can be tainted by physiological circumstances.
acasto, I seen your post on morals and society and not one have to do with point of views or facts. If you want to alter someones thinking then you must make them think, not insult them.
Insult is perception.
I say you can not spell. To you it may be an insult. To others it may be a fact. However the method of delivery also carries an emotional tone which affects perception.
Especially when it comes to the world of the mind, psychiartry, everything can be an insult. I have seen some people explode over the simplest things, such as a psychiatrist pointing something out. Not because they insulted them, but because the patient percieved it as a personal attack.
A state of conciousness and one’s personality is greatly influenced by the physiological state of their mind. No body likes the idea of flaws in them, which is where the line between physical mind and someones personality as in their essence becomes blurred. The reason it is usually different with other illnesses, is because we are better able to seperate the problem from ourselves.
You ever dealt with someone with a personality disorder? It is like venturing into a whole different world and conciousness. I have seen people go from being one person to anther in the matter of an hour. I seen people admit and know they are sick, then change and think it is everyone else and they quit taking their meds. Then they push away everyone, loved ones, doctors, only to feel hopeless and desperate when they change again and realize the have lost their grip on their world. Then desperate to get back in control they use something that empowers them to get their control back. Marylin Monroe was BPD, her body was her control. When that started to fade, her world fell apart.
A good friend of mine in high school loved to play basketball. But in college he lost his scholarship and his world fell apart. I still have the images from his funeral burnt into my memory.
Oh come on, what gives you the right to call someone sick, because they don’t think like the society you living in now ? Let them think the way they want to think, society is wroung.
You obviously do not understand the conditon.
They are not pondering because they are philosophical, but because they are defensive. What comes across as an origional idea, is merely a creative excuse. What is wrong with them thinking what they want? They do not know what they are really thinking. So it automatically taints their philosophy.
It was Churchhill’s odd thoughts that made quite a difference in WWII. However left to him alone, it would have been devestating. It was his unique thoughts being filtered through a group of logical ‘normal’ people that allowed them to be processed into something useful.
I am not diagnosing him with a problem. What gives me the right to say he’s sick? The fact that he is does. He admits to being non-medicated bipolar, that makes him sick. It is a physical condition just like any other illness. It just has deeper philosophical affects than most are used to or even prepared for.
Your post was just like saying… “What’s wrong with letting someone leave for vaction thinking it’s okay to drive on a flat tire?”
Listen, peoples ignorants are led to believe alot of things to be sick, masterbation, homosexial, sexial preference, what makes you so sure you right on this matter ? What makes you so sure you not invoulve in another ignorant matter ? How much does government pay you for treating these victoms that led you to a good life ?
You are arguing a lost battle.
1.) What you said looks to be another language
2.) What you said has no substance but rebellion
3.) You clearly have very little if any understanding of the topic
4.) Your trying to tie it to government conspiracies
You have no credibility on this subject.
Why not stick to things you have knowledge about?