I’m a biomedical engineering grad and I’m using Blender 2.49 to animate a human model. I need each bone of an armature to copyLoc and Rot of the corresponding object (which is a bone to), after I select the appropriate in the constraints menu I get slight deviations in the bone position and roll, which I believe are due to the fact that each bone preserves its N values as those of the original armature.
I’ve attached the .blend file so you can see what I mean in case I’m not explaining myself correctly.
So far I’ve been working on the right arm. I would like upper the armature (which will be parented to a mesh i removed to keep the file size small) to copy loc&rot of the other. Now the latter is separated into different objects because it will be animated with a script that was written with objects in mind only. Any ideas?
I hve donwloaded your file. They are 2 Human Armature. No Animation. Please just create the animation of OBJECTs which you have mentioned in your previous thread and upload that. I will try to match that animation with your Bone Structure using Python or copyLocation and copyRotation.
.an armature (1) with parentless bones - because Loc and Rot will be set to each bone independently.
.an armature (2) where each bone is a separate object - in order to work with a script
To take advantage of how easy it is to deform a mesh with an armature, armature (1) to copy loc and rot of the armature (2).
I have no particular animation in mind. Armature (2) will run a script that is supposed to animate it according to the info it extracts from a .str file so there is no telling what kind of movements users will want to see.
I hope to have made any sense. Thanks a lot for all your help
I have donwloade this file also. It also has 2 armatures but no animation… I want you to take some spheres and animate them as OBJ as you have pointed out in the previous thread. For example For Hand1 you create a sphere1 and Hand2 create a sphare2 and animate them. send that file. I will animate your Armature’s Hand1 and Hand2 according to sphere1 and sphere2
Or Just tell me what you want to achive ( any clip ) with what input?
as you told
To take advantage of how easy it is to deform a mesh with an armature, armature (1) to copy loc and rot of the armature (2).
To talke full advanage of that you should not use CO uncheck with Armature Structure. See the video in my Vimeo signature Mancany and Frogsu This Video Both chracter’s body movement is depending on ball. If you want that the ball object as your Input and hands should move according to ball one for each hand, then you have to use your armature differently.
I didn’t hahappyglad to share the script as well as some routines for you to get a feel of what animations look like but they are intelectual property of the department I’m working for. The animation show the results of calculations using some biomechanical theories.
I have tried to make armature (1) copy location and rotation of objrects like empties or spheres and it worked just. What I struggle with is other objects like the bones in armature (2).
I’ve figured out a way using copy location and rotation and a a script link to make the armature update its position every frame but I can’t make the mesh deform itself along the way. It’s weird because it moves alright when I grab or rotate each bone manually. Do you know why that may be?
It was rigged. I imported it from Makehuman so it was automatically rigged. When I move vbones around manually it works fine. It is when I use the script that it doesn’t move along with the bones.