BIONICLE blend now free to download

Hi all :slight_smile:
If anyone feels like playing with the bionicle model, you can get it at
The file is 555kb and should load with no problems in 2.27


oooh, this will be fun, thanks

I got some bionicles with the idea of blending them too. about 6 months ago. I still can’t put them down… Great toys.

heh… nice work. the filename said about animation, but I didn’t find any?


Thanks guys :slight_smile:

basse: You’re right. In order to pose any character it must be rigged. Everything else is an headache even in the short run. The model i’ve uploaded has the sceleton striped out of it again. (But it only takes you 10 - 15 minutes or so if you want to rig it up again.)

In the meantime i’ve started a new 3D app and i’m having a hard time learning it, so, until i know the next step, i can’t dedicate any more time to this model.

Anyway, have fun!


Thanks. WHen my little one comes back from vacation, it’ll be bloody murder if I don’t teach him Blender on the spot to use it! Thanks again, very nice. :smiley:


I was just starting to looking at Blender again when I ran across this posting for the Bionicle model.

I decided to play with rigging it for animation. Although I have a long way to go I was able to add some simple bones that allow for single handle movement of the arms and legs.

Then I found Yafray/Yable and saw some examples of HDRI.

So, I combined everything together to come up with:

I made a few small modifications in Yable to automatically produce the correct material to shader color conversion. (I didn’t want to do these by hand.)

I’m amazed at the detail of the model.

Thanks to seanix for the bionicle.

– skinny

hey cool! my little brother has some bionicles. has anyone looked at the little mini cds they come with? there is some pretty good animation on there.