This is a model im working on of a genetically enhanced human. I cant figure out how to model the arms while keeping any decent topology. I know its already messed up, so the question is should I try to fix it or start over?
we can’t tell without a wire frame render so put one up so we can
here it is
I do not advise applying the mirror until all modelling is finished. Ever.
And sometimes, yuo do need to start over. Although this is not one of those times. Search “Perfect proportion Male” in google images, and reference it. Then afterwards make changes to details to make the man more muscly ect and give him character.
The head topology is (tbh) terrible. But I don’t think that is what yuo want critiqued, so I will stay away from there.
The leg topoology is “OK” but needs work, particularly around the foot, and the hip. Knees should have their own loop set to make sure that they deform correctly upon animation and posing.
The breast topoolgy always must flow to the Biceps. Always. The face loop that goes underneath the breat always must continue up and around to the side of the bicep, otherwise bad deformation WILL occur.
And yes, that sticky thread on Topology is essentially the bible of Topo.
Having verticle loops is fine, but horizontal loops are a rarity.
Look around the forums and ask specific people. There is some very great artists around and they may not see this thread, so approaching with a few PMs never hurt anyone.
If you want to remove some of the edge loops by applying the mirror modifier there is no reason why you can’t then reapply the mirror modifier. Just remember to delete the left half of the model before adding the mirror. Although you could probably mange to clean alot up without having to do this as I think the model is far from bad.
I think the topology around the shoulders and groin needs work. They look like you’ve got triangles or at least bending a quad to look like a triangle.
I suggest looking at other wireframes of human figures and some reference pics to get both the topology and proportions correct. With a good flowing topology you will find it easier to tweak the model to achieve the ‘genetically modified’ look. I presume scaling up the main muscles and broadening the shoulders is going to give the kind of look you’re after.