Birth of a Hero

I like the character and it is well modeled and textured. Lighting could be a bit more moody to try and convey the feeling you are going for.

The background just does not help this image out at all. Very distracting and just too bright. I will have to think of something to suggest, but to me, this current one just does not work. Maybe it’s just personal preference here, so take it to heart. :cool:

Overall, very nice work.


I love this kind of things, knights… medieval… dragons… heroes…:smiley:

and if they are good modeled it’s even better…
nice work, I thought of making similar picture… :eyebrowlift:
I love your materials…


Good model!
Are you going to animate it?

It took me a while to notice how subtly detailed the textures are. Nice. :] The model looks clean and new without seeming artificial. Hey, if you have the time, I’d work on a 3d background, this model really deserves much better.

I think the modelling is amazing, but the background image really destracts and detracts from it. I think with something that looked a little more unified with the rest of the scene, maybe a little darker. The knight is fantastic.

the helmet seems a tad too shiny, but otherwise a good piece, also I agree with the change of background.
nice textures - I envy your skills in that department

thank’s for the comments guy’s i had a real hard time with the background nothing seemed to do the model justice i finaly had to give up i did want a light background to make the image come alive trying to capture the moment and pose as though he is leading knights to battle
I will do some difrent poses and renders later on i think for this image i am done i will take all your comment with me onto the next renders thanks
here is a small animation of the model in action

ooo nice animation…:yes:

Why don’t you add some knights he’s leading into battle? :stuck_out_tongue: Naw, just joking. The model looks great in the pose it’s in, btw.

this looks like a cavalry knight to me… a horse perhaps?

Very nice model and texturing but the animation just doesnt flow enough, and he seems to be sliceing to his side more than outward. There should be at least some movement of the legs involved. Though it is a very nice model.

Very nicely done!

i got an idea…since he is a knight…he deserves a horse…and i got the idea which will put your nknight in the gallery…mayb add a horse with the knight sitting on it…excpet the horses two front legs are in the air and the knight is waving his sword…as for the background…i have no idea…it depends on the idea you are tryin to show…
umm…just a thought…:spin:

He needs a catapault and a castle… also a slingshot for just in case of emergencies lol

also several half naked ladies should be grasping on to his legs like on the cover of the National Lampoon’s Vacation video etc.

great modeling and stuff, I really don’t have much problem with the background to be honest

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I thought for sure this was going to be super wu-man coming out of an egg or something. great work anyway. I’ve been playing a lot of medieval total war, so bonus points for that