Birthing Image Sequence as Planes

Hello, I’ll try to break this down.
Imagine I’m making a ground plane with splashes from rain drops.

-I have an image as a plane with a 10 frame animation on it.
-I have a particle system that births the image plane, stays alive long enough for the animation. So far so good.
-I see the animated planes play their animation on the first 10 frames of the shot… after that… just planes… no animation.
-How do I make the particles play the animation every time a particle is born?

If you have any suggestions or if you can point me in the right direction, I’d be very appreciative.
Thank you for any assistance.
I feel I’m so close… but I have no clue what I’m missing.

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Thanks for this.
But… this seems like next level overkill for what my needs are. Is there no way to make the animated frames be local to when they get birthed and not global? So that the animated frames 1to10 don’t need to be tied to the global timeline 1 to 10. Their 1 to 10 can start and frame 32, or when ever?
Say I wasn’t doing splashes… say I just wanted my particles to birth image planes, and play their animation from the moment they are born.
Hmmm… I’ll see if I can reverse engineer what this guy is doing.

If you are using cycles there is a particle age.

Maybe it possible to use this info to drive an offset of yr animation.

Im afraid thats the only way I can think of, and I dont really know if there is a way to do this as I have not tried.

I may have a little look in a while.

Interesting problem.

Look at the Image Plane Material…

You can set the number of frames…say only 10 out of 50…
You can set the Start Frame and also you can set an OFFSET of the frames.

The Plane will appear and start every time a Particle is spawned…and it will depend on how many frames the anim has compared to the Lifetime of the particle…There might be a way to calculate this, but I just use trial and error…
You have to remember that you have ONE Animation File, and that will spawn an animation for each particle, you will have to make it long enough and the Lifetime long enough that the animation of the particles stays on screen…
That is also controlled in the Material …Make sure to turn on Cyclic and auto-refresh!

For a more random effect …don’t render as an object! Render as a collection, and in a new collection place your anim planes…you can make copies of the same thing and change the settings for the animations in their materials…