black guy

hello fellows

I am currently working on this guy

as you can see i have a lot to do until he is finished :slight_smile: (face,hair,skin,body,bg)

and he is looking too cute :slight_smile: … i have to make him looking more angrier

now any critics or suggestions ?

thanks for looking


its kinda rare to see a black or hispanic person get modeled…

his eyes look like hes half asian

lol here, that is true about most modelling program communities…

this model is pretty good so far, you are off to a pretty good start. might want to turn down the spec on the skin a little

yip you are right the spec on skin is a lil bit high … thanks … wow your head you have modeled is really awesome

anyways here is another black man on blenders official site too i think its well known

now think about it, wat would you do to make yourself look angrier??? tilt eyebrows in, squint the eyes a bit. maybe tilt the head forward a bit or cringe a bit,(maybe too far) just think of it as in real life not hard stuff.

great model love the big eyes and as rexprime said, lower the spec and make better lighting so that the body details can be seen better.

are u planning on animatin him???

thanks for your comment and critic i´ll consider it

jep, i´ll try to animate him … I can animate quite simple stuff (I´m relative new in blender or in these territory … only since 4 months) .

by the way he reminds me at “the rock” dwayne johnson (scorpion king /doom guy ) :slight_smile:

the face is looking well so far… you should turn him into mr T from the A -team

hahaha !!! … I cant hold anymore Mr. T rulez !!:D:D

anyways here is a small update (model isnt subsurfed )

made him a lil bit angry, spec is down and moddeled some parts of his body

his skin isnt finished … i want to make it realistic as possible …


ok fellows

here is an update … now he has smaller eyes and is looking angry … and I

extended his body. Now I have a lil question … shall I make his skin with

nodes, or are there a couple of options to make skin realistic? :o


If you are planning on animating him (his face that is), you should not make him look angry now. Give him a really neutral expression now and save the emoting for shape keys.

Looks good so far, but when I look at him, the first moment, I think he’s got something very asian more than african… Don’t know what.

Maybe you don’t plan to model an african black but rather and asian black (Malabar Indian or so)?

nodes have thier benefits, but i prefer the material editor with internal procedural textures or painting my own in photoshop or gimp

Ok here is a small update and few questions. Now if I want to paint his skin in the

UV/Image editor … I have unwrap the faces … right? but how do I do the

whole thing ? I unwraped the UV and wanted to paint it in blenders UV

editor … but there is no brush which I can paint on his skin.

Is there maybe a way to create an UV and export it to an painting programm like gimp /photoshop?

another question is … if I subsurf him he is completly loosing his appearence … if i am subdividing him and

subsurfing him again he is getting cubic … any ideas how to solve this ?


… if I subsurf him he is completly loosing his appearence …

Ouch. An organic model like this should always be subsurfed. It’s not very helpful now for me to say it, but you probably should have turned on subsurfing much earlier in the modeling.

If you want this character to look at all organic, I think you’re going to have to turn on subsurfing and edit the character to get his looks back. Pain in the neck, but there’s no way he’s going to look natural without subsurfing.

Although… Could you post a wireframe? Parts of him already kind of looked subsurfed, but it’s hard to tell. Do you have “set smooth” on without subsurfing? That might explain it.

And you’re correct, the way to do the skin is to do a UV unwrap in the UV Window, and then export the UV mapping to a file, and use it as a basis to paint your skin in gimp or PS, then use that image/those images as an image texture.

yes I set smooth on … anyways I think I can handle it to subsurfe him without damaging his appearence … it needs some more time/work but i´ll fix it


ok fellows here is another update … modeling is quite finished now (have to add some more details like nipples etc.) … what i next have to do is his skin .x … and i am a lil bit scared of it because I want to make his skin realistic as possible and I never textured something like this model before :o


ok the scenery is getting more and more finished … like i said maybe i´m going to animate him or something else

He has no armpits!!! O_o 0_O 0_o

nice start bro, the neck is too thin and the sholders are too small, for such large arms and perfect stomach and chest you would expect those to match

in any event why is this a post about a “black man” and not a post about modeling a man? all the model posts about “white” men just say “creating a character” or creating a man, i do take offense to the way that came across but none the less you can call it what you want.

what your title says “BLACK GUY”
what it should say “AFRICAN AMERICAN MALE”
saying black guy might sound offensive and racist
good model though