Black Hole

Hey everybody!

I’ve just been asked to do some CG shots for a Star Wars fan film.

The shots will include a black hole (possibly more than one) in them.

So I was wondering, does anyone have any ideas on how to do this?

I was thinking just model it and use an animated GIF as a texture or something, but I was wondering if there was a better way.

Also, production probably wont start for another two months or so, so there’s no hurry.


particles all the way.

just use the “hole” as the emiter, emitting particles in a spiral and then reverse the motion with a Time IPO.

that’s how I would do it.



There’s only one problem, and that is I haven’t done much work with particles, other than for engines, lights, etc, and never had them move. So, could you point me to a tutorial on how to do something like that?


Something like this maybe?

I just made a torus surface, converted it to a mesh and made it spew particles pulled up out and down.

Yeah! (6Megs) (low quality 0.9 megs)

Particle rules :wink:


Nice particle use, S68! Are those pasta spirals rotating around the planet?

My sketch of a black hole.
No particles, therefor it renders faster but looks ok only from certain angles. :-?

Short animation (avi jpg)
(movie deleted)

and the blend file instead of long explanations :wink:

If you are going for realism… Black Holes may be very small, but the event horizons (where it starts getting “black”) can be very big. So big in fact, that if you were there looking at it, it would appear to be motionless. In fact, the only thing giving away it’s motion would be the spiral form of the gasses falling into it. Otherwise it would appear very still.

I know that it doesn’t make for an animation that is quite as interesting… just more accurate.


The outher part of the disk does not blend well with the space… rise alpha there :slight_smile:
