Black Mesh - Procedural Modeling Tool

Welcome to the new Procedural Voxel Modeling World. Whether you are going to Mars or another solar system, don’t forget to take some Black Meshes with you. Boolean Voxels, Smooth Voxels, Layers, Non-Destructive workflow for the sake of your Sci-Fi.

Blender 2.93+



Download Examples:

WINDOWS: vcredist_x64 must be installed!

LINUX: some libraries should be installed. Please, read Linux Installation in the documentation. Ubuntu18+

MAC: some libraries should be installed. Please, read MacOS installation in the documentation. MacOS, Intel X64, 10.14+.

Black Mesh is very friendly to other Boolean tools like BoxCutter, JMesh, Mesh Machine, etc. It’s possible to boolean with them and smooth with Black Mesh.

Basically how it works:

  • Add Source (an Object only at the moment)
  • Add Booleans (Object or Collection)
  • Add Filter (Smooth only at the moment).




Needs a video)


Yeap i love supporting ya but i have no idea what this does more then what i use with Box cutter and grid modeler xD


Sorry, no video yet. But it will be in the nearest future.
Thank you for the support, I appreciate it.

1 Like

very nice! Ill pick up my copy!


Best person to ask give us a review LOL


Just in case you want to know more, check:

Update: added links in the description of the video.


Thank you very much for the video!
Don’t worry about Utilites yet. I’ll explain it in documentation soon.


I don’t get it… what is different with simply using remesh at the bottom of other modifiers (boolean, smooth…) ?

You will work with voxels. Not polygons. Forget about polygons.
Boolean Voxels, Smooth Voxels, Layers. Then you get remesh in the end.
This is a different approach for modeling.

Hi, thank you for the addon. I was trying to get it run, but get error if push " get layer from selected" button.

vcredist_x64 installed from this page

Blender 2.92

Hi, Thank you. Do you have Windows 32bit? I compiled it for windows 64bit.
Also make sure that you have installed vcredist_64.

Or maybe you run Blender 32 bit?

Hm, I did some try and error. Deinstalled all redist versions i had on my pc and installed only the latest one. Restarted pc,
Blender 2.92 x64, blank no addons, downloaded today.
System x64
Redist x64- visual C++ 2015-2019 14.29.30037
But no luck, still get same error. :confused:

Could you please try 2.93 or 3.0 from here?

Yep, 2.93 beta and 3.00 alpha working! No error message at least.:slight_smile:

Nice! One person had an issue yesterday. He had 2.92 too.

I can assume:

  • Blender 2.92 has a bug/issue
  • Blender from misses something (something is not included)
  • Python version of 2.92 has an issue

Thank you very much for the help! I will test the addon now :slight_smile:

Let’s Rock! For the sake of sci-fi.


I did a short test, and i must say this tool is amazing idea! Great job!
One suggestion to add boolean layers faster, the target can be picked instead of adding the object via list? If having a lot of objects in the scene its hard to pick the right one based on name.
Or even faster by selecting the boolean object and target mesh and with hotkey add the object to the layer( union,subtract,intersect) similar to hardops.

Also at the moment i can’t hide/unhide layers.
Testing was done with Blender 2.93 and 3.0