Blacked out object in shaded display mode

Hello again, here’s another issue I’m having with things getting black…

I’ve got 2 objects in my viewport, one of them is orange, the other is supposed to be white.
There are 3 lights in the scene; a key light, fill light and a back light.

The normals of both objects are all pointing outside so that’s not the reason why it’s getting black.

Here’s what the blacked out object looks like (in the shaded display mode) with double sided faces disabled:

[link removed]

And here’s what it looks like with double sided faces enabled (note the inner shading and the shading artifacts, it should be lighted on the outside instead of the inner sides):

[linkn removed]

Anyone an idea what this could be?

Normals are fine, the lights are fine, the materials are all fine, renders are fine, … I really don’t know how to get this right anymore…

It’s annoying because I really like working in shaded mode, but this is stopping me from doing that.

Send me the Blend and I’ll take a look. Too lazy to guess which of several possiblities it may be.
send to:[email protected]

It might be a bug that i often got but i dont know where it from. I think it often happen when i import a mesh from a different file format using phyton.

Try this. Create a new mesh, then join the black shaded mesh to the new mesh you created (ctrl-J) and the black thing wll be gone. Saperate them after that.

Hope it fix that

…try ctrl-n in edit mode or flip normal if it don’t fix that.

I used Ada89’s solution on your blend file and that fixed it on my system.

ctrl-n in edit mode . . .

and do confirm ‘recal normals outside’ by hitting the return key.
Sometimes it seems all normals are pointing outward, but when you have a ‘black image’ problem it never hurts to do this step.

Thanks, both of you, looks much better this way.

But I’m still wondering what’s causing this problem.
(if I would know how or why it happens I could avoid it)

I had this happen once and it was because the the object was too busy, had too many faces etc. I just used the Decimator and it looked good after. Just a maybe.

So Blender can’t handle 44 faces? %|

What does the N-button say ?

If the model is black from the side the light comes from it is usually the negative size of the object, i.e. SizeX =-1 instead of 1.

Try Ctrl+A.

Edit: Uups, not Alt+A but Ctrl+A

Hm, if you know set SizeZ back to 1 and then hit Ctrl+A it should look fine. %|

Hm, are you really sure?

He’s got eyes in the back of his head?? :o

:o Intresting :stuck_out_tongue:

Well, at least the black thing problem is solved. :stuck_out_tongue:

But your right the eyes are definitely at the wrong place.

Does it have some diseases ? %|

Rotate it by 180 ° and you have it.

Well, actually it isn’t really solved, have a closer look at the viewport shading button… :wink:
The ‘shaded’ viewport option still gives a black/gray object.
The ‘solid’ mode displays everything correctly, but it already did that.

But your right the eyes are definitely at the wrong place.

Does it have some diseases ? %|

That’s what you get when messing around with the great powers of Blender, it might actually blend out the wrong way! :stuck_out_tongue:

Rotate it by 180 ° and you have it.

Unfortunately, like said above, it’s still black :slight_smile:

Did you ever recalculate the lighting (CTRL-Z)?