Blank Blenderplayer.exe With 2.5 Blend Files

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Yeah, the BlenderPlayer in 2.5 isn’t updated correctly yet (I don’t think). I believe the Blender Foundation is going to fix it at the end of the 2.5x development cycle (they’re working on it, it should be fixed by the final update).

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The Blenderplayer should be working in 2.54. Although, it does have some issues. One issue is the fullscreen one you mentioned. This is a problem with argument parsing that’s actually been around since 2.4x. The full flag for fullscreen is:

-f width height bpp frequency

If you use something like:

blenderplayer -f 1200 800 myblend.exe

The player mistakes “myblend.exe” for the bit depth (bpp), which makes it result in 0. So, just enter the default 32 for bpp and 60 for frequency and that problem should go away:

blenderplayer -f 1200 800 32 60 myblend.exe

I think this has been fixed in SVN.

As for the other problem, could you please post the output of the console or at least screenshot it?


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I’m having blenderplayer 2.54 issues too in win7(32 bit). I get a Runtime Error! MSVC++ box.

The console reads:

Fatal Python error: Py-Initialize: can’t initialize sys standard streams
ImportError: No module named encodings.utf_8

The Blenderplayer does not make use of the bundled Python like Blender does. So, this cryptic error message means that the Blenderplayer cannot find Python.