BLast processing (high speed collision code, the simplest one!)

everytime i see this thread, i hear women singing in my head “GENESIS DOES!”

which, is funny, because back then they said “Genesis does what Nintendon’t.”
even tho the snes had more graphical power when it came out.

but, they were right. sega did something nintendidn’t. they went out of business.

the sad thing about Sega is that they went out of business after creating the best console they ever had, the dreamcast.

I didn’t know there was a rayCastTo() function.
rayCastTo() was added recently. Matter a fact, the first official release to have it, was 2.47.

did you read that objects with the “ghost” property are ignored?
Yea, but I don’t understand why you would need to detect ghost objects? If it’s a ghost object, you usually don’t want your object to be stopped in the first place… or maybe it’s must me. I guess it depends (once again) on your game.

ghost objects are detected for ray sensors anyways so you have to put that property to make the code ignore it ie: if there is a ghost object, do nothing (reading the script would help xD)

btw. rayCastTo() is there since 2.46 the one added in 2.47 was rayCast() (that have more functions)

btw. rayCastTo() is there since 2.46 the one added in 2.47 was rayCast() (that have more functions)

lol, That’s what I meant. rayCast() is in 2.47 but rayCastTo() was in 2.46.

It’s so easy to mix rayCastTo() and rayCast() up. XD