.blend file modification for game


Im wondering if its possible to change values of objects in .blend file on runtime using command line?

thanks in advance

not sure
could be maybe

.blend files are binary files, not text files so they would be difficult to change anyway. To see the effect you would need to reload the .blend file.
If you just want to make changes to the scene that is loaded there are easier ways to do that than changing the .blend file, but maybe I misunderstand why you want to do that?

Actually, i have a realtime visualization in mind on a web browser using 3D web plugin (blender). I wish to change the height of walls, color, etc using HTML form posts. I assume that this was not done before using Blender as a Server.
Blender with -b option can be used to render a frame right? so, maybe. just maybe we can pass values for object too ?? If not to blender on command line then perhaps the 3D plugin in the browser??
Thanks for the help. :smiley: