.Blend File Won't Render

Hello !

So that’s something where we can only give guidance on how to find the problem, since there are a few possibilities…

My bet is that some objects got a modifier or something similar with different settings on viewport and render. Then when you render something fills the ram and blender crash.

You can either explore the scene and try to find the culprits ( could be several objects) , or try to selectively eliminate possibilities.

I’d first make a backup of your file since the goal is to make a giant mess out of it …
First remove all the textures, if they are all in the same folder you rename that folder.
Then do a test render, we made sure it’s not a texture issue.

Then put all object in a collection and make sure it’s completely desactivated at render and viewport. Try to do a render and see if it doesn’t crash.

If it crash , try again but remove all object from the scene.
If it works, then we know that 99% of the chances are that it’s an object.

Then bring back objects in the scene, you can do every 5 or 10 objects, or half of them, depending on if it crash or not you know in which group is the issue.

And from there hopefully you’ll be able to narrow down the issue.

If all that doesn’t work we’ll try something else, but most of the time that’s enough !

Good luck !