Blend Shapes ??

i ve often read in tutorials for maya the term “blend shapes”.
what are these Blend Shapes? what do they do ? is there a similiar function in blender ? :confused:
thanks a lot :slight_smile:

Blender’s shape keys are the same thing.


thank you:) (why every one is using different names for the same things ? stupid …autodesk should change this function’s name in maya from blend shapes into shape keys :smiley: )

Err not really. Blenders is just the same mesh just changed around. Blend shape is two different meshes. Or two different normal maps in the case of Messiah

Anyway one could do that in Blender(two different meshes)? I would really like to make the morph targets in ZBrush.

youngbatcat, what is the difference then for the artist ? vbmenu_register(“postmenu_781245”, true);

what are morph targets ?
vbmenu_register(“postmenu_781259”, tru

the target to which the ending mesh will be changed to

cant mush two objects, because there is no way for blender to know which vertices in the Before translate to which vertices in the After, if indeed there are the same number of vertices. But, consult the wiki on Shape Keys. Using shapes, you can have a mesh merge into anything. i am making a video tut this weekend on shape keys. We even use the call them Vertex keys, and Relative Vertex keys or RVKs for short. Some people call a tomato a toemahto. go figure.