Blendash (Screenshot Posted)

Wow, after 375 lines of code, I’m beat. What can I say, it was a long flight! On a 2 hour plane ride here’s what I have.

It can load up to 10 different versions of blender in an easy to use dock. Heck, it can load anything! Folders, Text, Internet Bookmarks, Application, etc. It can load anything in it’s dock :eek:

If you are no python scripter you will want to read the documentation to understand how to install the application.

Enjoy guys!


EDIT:: Here’s a screenshot… wait it won’t let me post an attachment?


Screenshot: (THis is on mac, on windows it looks different.)

Cool but

  1. The window that pops up when you click on an empty slot is to small to show the enter button
  2. When I type in the full path and click enter, nothing happens…
    Amazing that you made this in only a couple hours though

Screenshot of your error? Did you run the installation?

I didn’t get an error… when I clicked enter, the slot still said new slot but I just ran the script again and it had the right name

Oh yea. I said that it was a bug in the documentation.

I have all my frequent apps in it (Blender, Blender, Blender [different versions], Chrome, FileZilla, and more)

Do you like?

Oh sorry I read that earlier but didn’t really understand/pay attention LOL
It’s a cool program I Had no idea you could make buttons and stuff with just python

Python is limitless. It’s just that with C you have more control with a smaller amount of code.

I prefer python though. You can look at the source I’m using the TkInter module to make the GUI if you’re interested.

im a bit slow on the uptake- can someone explain what this does, maybe include some pics??

It’s a dashboard that has 10 buttons that when you click you type the name and the path to either a file folder application on version of blender. It saves the links to them so when you click on it it launches it. It was made mainly for users who have multiple blender versions.


Screenshot added.

I just got a report from a bug in blendash. It currently appears broken on OS X 10.5. It just keeps asking for the path and name as if it’s not loading. It’s saving the data just fine but it’s having problems loading. Not real sure what’s wrong yet. If anyone else would like to test out 10.5 it would be awesome.

1.well how is this different to dragging links to a panel (whatever system you use)?
2.what has it common with blender, besides the possibility of linking it too?
3.congrats on improving your coding skills…

Chrome’s available for Mac already? I have 10.5.5 so i dunno if I can use this… :frowning:

No, I use windows…
