Blended Reality Guestbook test.

Hello Blender maniacs. :smiley: I’m still working on Blended Reality, and I came one step closer to the release of it. I already got a test server online on my default PC. Currently the Blended Reality Beta is running on this server.

Today I added a PHP guestbook, so feel free to post something on it for fun. You don’t need to sign in, just use your default Elysiun name to post.

Blended Reality Beta:

Notice that the website is still an beta test and need much more fixes and things to be added. Also the test server is running on my default pc, so when I trun it off, the link doesn’t work anymore. So if the link doesn’t work, try it later again. 8)

If you found error, like server problems, post which system you used and what did go wrong, so I can fix the problems before I run it on the final server.

Before I release the final Blended Reality, I ave to make some tutorials, sources and much more another things. So I hope I can release it around christmas. My last idea or release was end summer, but I couldn’t work on it because of heat problems with my default computer.

Greetz jd-multi.