Does anyone know if Blender 2.23 runs on Windows 2000?
Blender should run fine on WIN2000. I have found though that with my older machine (AMD 233, 48mb ram) Blender runs poorly with WIN2000. But then, WIN2000 runs poorly on that machine . The computers we run at school work fine.
yes, Blender 2.23 run well on Win 2K.
I had no problem running it.
Me too blends with 2.23 on Win2k
It runs no worse on win2k then any other program runs in win2k
Yeah, it seems to work quite well for me, most of the time. Unless I have a million objects in the scene, then it starts slowing down.
But then again, That would happen on any OS … this is a lack of computer power
Blender works super on my 'XP system, after I updated the video card drivers. 'XP is a lot like a fancy version of 2000.
Yeah, works fine on Win 2K. I find it works better on win 98 - possibly because win98 doesn’t waste memory on things like mouse drop shadows, possibly because our graphics card is a pile of c*** (yes, crud!) and is barely supported on win 98 as it is…
I don’t what you guys are talking about… Blender 2.23 DOES NOT run on Win 2000! (at least not on my machine)
Service Pack: 2
Video Card: ATI Technologies Inc. 3D RAGE IIC AGP
Everytime I want to run it, I get a Program Error
blender.exe has generated errors and will be terminated by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created.
I don’t where the error log is - but I’d love to look at it!
Can someone speculate what could be causing this.
Generally error logs in W2K are stored in Dr. Watson… From the command line type “drwtsn32” and it will pop up… Unless A: you have symbols for blender and B: you know how to read a stack trace, the log is pretty useless.
Also I think it logs a message saying your app crashed in:
Start | Settings | Control Pannel | Administrative Tools | Event Viewer
It would be in either the system or application log… can’t remember off hand.
I doubt blender ships with symbols… Anyone know if they have the PDB’s and DBG’s somewhere? If they have symbols somewhere I could atleast look at your stack trace and try to help
I should’ve mentioned that Dr. Watson will only get the stack trace/memory/etc if you have it set as your default debugger. By default it is your default debugger, but you can force it to be your default if you changed it by typeing “drwtsn32.exe -I” at the command prompt.
Hey, I got the stack trace… haven’t had time to look too much at it. Your program is dying when its trying to set up a rendering context. I guess Blender uses OpenAL. Talk more when I get a chance to really look at it… Also could you include the task list… its a list of loaded .exe’s and .dll’s… If I can get the base address for both it would help in troubleshooting since we’ve got no blender symbols
I don’t what you guys are talking about… Blender 2.23 DOES NOT run on Win 2000! (at least not on my machine)
Service Pack: 2
Video Card: ATI Technologies Inc. 3D RAGE IIC AGPEverytime I want to run it, I get a Program Error
blender.exe has generated errors and will be terminated by Windows. You will need to restart the program.
An error log is being created.I don’t where the error log is - but I’d love to look at it!
Can someone speculate what could be causing this.
It’s most likely the video card.
There have been problems with ATI graphics cards in the past.
With Blender or in general? ATI is a relatively popular graphics card line.
I’ll look into replacing my graphics card. We’ll see if that changes something.
Try starting blender from the a command prompt with the “no sound” switch (I can’t remember it offhand, check the 2.0 guide or just get the command line help). A sound conflict could be causing the problem.
Harky: without looking deeply at the stack trace that would be my guess… For some reason Blender uses OpenAL which is an audio library… does it even have sounds?
With Blender or in general? ATI is a relatively popular graphics card line.
With Blender, I think there might be some info in the ‘Blender Knowledge Base’ about ATI cards.
48M? And you bothered running Win2k on that? Are you nuts? Forget that question. I know the answer. You ARE nuts. I wouldn’t run Win2k with less than 128M (bare minimum) and I wouldn’t want to be using any graphics apps on Win2k with 128M unless I had no other choice. With 48M, Win95 or OSR2 are the only MS OS’s I would bother running.
Sorry, just having a hard time trying to stop laughing. Win2k on a 48M machine. What were you thinking? Or rather, what were you smoking?