blender 2.32: where is this "magnetic function"?

well, I don’t even know the correct name for what I am missing in version 2.32. Its this function that enables you to move just one vertice of a mesh and all the neighbour-vertices are affected by the dragging as well, proportionally decreasing with their distance to the “parent”-vertice. Know what I mean? Hm, hope my discription is not too puzzling. Anyway, in former versions this used to be switched on by two buttons that are gone now.

hoping: ulli

just use the o key to toggle in and out of proportional edit mode, and use the plus minus keys on your number pad to increase or decrease the influence. If you want to get really tricky do a search for a thread I left in general called ’ I found a new sculpting method ’
<edit> here i dug it up for you