Blender 2.33 is out

Great to hear :smiley: Was just playing around with it. I love those new uv features :smiley: Thou one more feature that would be very nice, would to have to Split function for uvs.


CRAAAAAAAAAAAP!!! Looks like there’s a big bug in 2.33 I was just getting ready to export some stuff to torque. When I got a python error. Then I tried several other scripts, none of them work. So then to be sure it wasn’t just something with my system, I went back into 2.32 and tested the same scripts. Worked perfectly. Anyone else have this problem? And is it just on os x.

Yes! Downloading it as I type! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
EDIT - The Aussie mirror doesn’t work :frowning: I’ll just leech off the Americans :wink:

I could be wrong, but I believe that 2.33 works with the 2.3 version line of python whereas the 2.32 version of blender worked with python 2.2. That’s probably the cause of your headache.

Well does the 2.3 python and blender work on osx? Because I know that you had to compile 2.2 for it to work before.

I believe that there’s an installer there with your name on it.

I wouldn’t think that there could be such a bug. Will this have to do something with the Python 2.3 support?

The gamekit is also released! Nice!

My kudos and thanks to the Blender developers who make these fine new features possible.

hey hey hey

now caustics color bleeding shading network metal suface shaders better particle system and fur and i am very happy :wink:

awesome how this app gets mature!!! and all for free!

big thank you for all the coders!


Ok I just installed python 2.3 no go :frowning:

what do you mean ‘no go’? the installer didn’t work? :-?

Anyways, i just d/led 2.33 and started playing with the AO! its AWESOME!!! w000 :smiley: :smiley: (ive had CVS with this, but haven’t had much time to play with that feature)

Also, its GREAT to hear that the game engine is finally back; i had been meaning to get into it.

Congratulations coders! (now lets hope my and f00f’s UI work can get into 2.34) :stuck_out_tongue:

Does anyone know why when I go to the download section 2.33 is not there? only 2.32 and lower :expressionless:

No the installer works fine. But blender dosn’t seem to see it.

something is messed up with you…lol

Mmm a grrrreat release to start the summer.

Nevermind, the 2.33 link is back up, ignore my sudden panic attack. :slight_smile:

SWEET!!! cant wait!!!

/me runs around and screams like a little girl!