Blender 2.42a problems in Fedora Core 6

Until about a month or so ago, I was running Blender 2.42a in Fedora Core 5 and doing just fine. Then I upgraded to Fedora Core 6. The same version of Blender was available as an optional package, so I had it installed. That was wonderful, until it started going nuts. I have no idea what causes this; older versions of Blender seem to work just fine. Here’s what’s happening to me:

Blender sometimes logs me out. It just quits every program without saving my data. It doesn’t crash, there’s no delay, my processor/memory monitor doesn’t show anything funny, and Blender doesn’t report any errors… it just takes me to the login screen. This happens when I use extrude -> region on certain things. I haven’t yet figured out what sort of things cause this, but it does seem to be repeatable:
Start Blender.
In top view, add a cone (32 verts).
In side view, use Knife Cut -> Midpoints to slice the cone horizontally.
Select the newly created vertices, move them up 0.5 units, and scale them to 0.5.
Select the bottom vertices and use Extrude -> Region. I am immediately logged off.

Blender also sometimes randomly logs out while I look around in a 3D view. Holding down the scroll button and moving the mouse to look around for too long (as in, 10-15 seconds) will do the trick. It will occasionally also do log out in the middle of a render (Blender Internal or YafRay).

This does not seem to have anything to do with other programs I’m running; it happens even when Blender is the only thing I’ve got running. I didn’t notice the problem until after installing the latest version of YafRay, though I doubt there’s a connection. I’ve done some Google searches and looked around some forums, but I can’t find anything about this.

So then, is this a common problem? Or is it just my system? Is there a fix? Or should I wait for the next version of Blender and/or Fedora and hope it works better? Is this post even in the right forum? I’d appreciate any help you guys could give me; I miss Blender. :frowning:

My system is:
Fedora Core 6.0.0; i386

I can get more information if you need it; just tell me what you’d like to know.

I have no problem on mine.

So it might not be Blender or Fedora. Might be your system :slight_smile:

Have you tried running Blender from the terminal/shell ?

Yes, I have tried that, and it still messes up. It doesn’t give any useful output, either. The sum total of the output goes as follows:

Compiled with Python version 2.4.
Checking for installed Python… got it!

Blender quit

What about trying to download Blender from manually by going there yourself and clicking the link to download it ?

The package manager (yum for Fedora) compiles a different version of Blender to the one downloaded from like for example, no FFMPEG if downloaded through Yum.

Sounds really a system problem. I cannot imagine how Blender could result log off…
Or do you mean by log off that X gets killed? and then comes login screen?

Yellowflash: I will try that.
Ubuntuist: Yes, X is killed and the login screen comes up a moment later.

It happened to me last night, Blender 2.42a on Debian Etch. Every time I tried to use the MMB to constrain a direction while modelling, X would restart. I didn’t have time to investigate beyond repeating the problem.

Well, after trying out a few versions of Blender, it seems to be a problem with the dynamic builds only. All the static ones work very very slowly, but do not cause problems. Unfortunately, they work too slowly to be useful.

You might try building blender from source. That would link with the versions of the libraries you have on your system.

Static builds have opengl built in and use software rendering.
Dynamic builds use whatever opengl libs are on your system.

Let me guess: xorg 7.1.*

Right you are, sir.

Running “Xorg -version” gives the following:

X Window System Version 7.1.1
Release Date: 12 May 2006
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0, Release 7.1.1
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.9-34.ELsmp i686 Red Hat, Inc.
Current Operating System: Linux 2.6.19-1.2911.fc6 #1 SMP Sat Feb 10 15:51:47 EST 2007 i686
Build Date: 29 January 2007
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.1.1-47.5.fc6 
        Before reporting problems, check
        to make sure that you have the latest version.
Module Loader present

Is this a problem?