Blender 2.43rc1-draw faster and slower?


In Blender 2.4a I could choose if an object is to be drawn slow or fast. With a poly mesh selected, I would press f9 to go to edit mode and press the ‘slower draw’ button in the mesh tab. Then press f7 for object mode and in the draw tab pressed ‘shaded’ and then press ‘wire’. This way all of an objects wireframe structure is drawn in shaded mode.

Where is this feature in Blender 2.43rc1? Has it been moved or removed?

thanks in advance

IIRC, it has been removed as it was an old hack that didn’t really work that well or co-operate with some of the new code too well.


Do you know if there is a plan to re implement it’s functionality? I’m sure I won’t be the only one to miss it.


With the “All Edges” option in edit mode you can still select if all or only non flat edges are drawn. But I don’t really understand what you would need slower draw for in the case you describe, isn’t that the default behavior anyway without pressing that button?

Faster draw removed edges to display faster (but did so quite poorly and apparently random) and slower draw then added those edges back again.

Hi Brecht

The reason I will miss this feature is purely a visual one.

When working on scenes I prefer to see the whole poly mesh wireframe drawn on top of the shaded model in object mode. With this feature removed only an objects edges are drawn in wireframe. It gives me a quick visual clue on how dense a mesh is. Please look at the following example.

The wireframe cube on the left (in edit mode) has been subdivided once.

The same wireframe cube with a drawtype of shaded and a draw extra of wire in object mode. You cannot see the inner wireframe subdivisions.

The same cube again on the right but this time I have pulled a vertex up on the top of the cube. Now you can see the inner wireframe on the top face.

Is this a bug or a feature?

thanks for you time

fobsta: Buttons Window\Object\Draw\Draw Extra\Wire may help a bit. The odd thing is that it does not draw all wires in case of subdivided cube for instance. Not sure if that’s to be expected.

To make it draw all edges, go into edit mode, and in the Mesh Tools 1 panel, enable “All Edges”.

Ah ha! That’s the behaviour I was after. Thank you very much.

Is it just me or should this ‘enable all edges’ be on as default if you select an objects draw extra as wire? Should I ask the dev’s to change this behaviour? Or am I thinking in a Maya way instead of the Blender way?

Anyway thank you again

FINALLY :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

That’s always annoyed me. Every freakin’ time I went into weight paint mode, some edges would disappear. Even if I set them all on, they would disappear the next time I re-entered weight-paint mode.

The ‘all edges’ button seems nice but what a crazy place to put it. It’s an object-mode option, not an edit-mode option. It seems odd to put it in a panel that only appears when you are in edit-mode.

It should be in the handy n-key panel as well as the rest of the options or at least in the Draw panel of the Object tab.