Hey everyone. I just installed the new version of blender and right away it was acting buggy for me. These are two of the bugs so far:
When you add an object it does not add it in the direction of the view port like it did in previous versions.
When you set a background it does not display correctly; it splits it into pieces and it zooms into different parts and keeps others the same(see pic below)
Does anyone else get these problems??? Does anyone know how to solve them?
i seemed to have some problems with the default render always rendering only the first layer, unless i had selected something in the scene. had to go in and select all the layers manually. i still had some problems, so i just went back to RC5
well I actually have some bigger problems with UVmapping bugs. If I dont triangulate some everything, there will be BIG - unacceptable big - artefacts and faces that are not shown or UVmapped
One thing that occasionally gets round image display artifacts is to make images an exact power of 2 resolution. Not sure if this will help here but you can give it a go. In Photoshop, just resize and add canvas size so that the image is e.g 2048 x 2048.