blender 2.46 changed the uv mapping ???

i just downloaded the latest blender 2.46 and all the blender uv mapping interface changed … What is going on? Where can I get the documentation on the new uv mapping inteface?

Cool! a guied… Thanks Broken :slight_smile:

it doesn’t seem to talk about copy draw mode, i saw that now you can use control C to copy, but how then do you paste?

it doesnt reali work that way =]

ctrl+c and ctrl +v dont work in edit mode (though that would be a cool new feature! ;] )

copy draw mode is just a single function, you do it once and all selected faces get the active face’s properties

How you set a multiple faces to Double-Side mode at once ?

In 2.45 there were a W-key menu for the UV-options.


Xjazz: Select faces, ctrl-f, Face Mode Set, Twoside. Use Face Mode Clear to unset.