Blender 2.49b interface-style in 2.5

I just recently become interested in Blender, and have been using it non-stop for about a week. I was attempting to make some smoke, when I noticed that the UI in BlenderGuru’s tutorial was, quite different. I upgraded to the Blender 2.5 Beta, and after making a test smoke project, opened up my main project. Oddly, it seems to be loading the UI style from 2.49, not the colours, but where the actual areas are located. I like 2.5’s UI much more, is there a way I can change this?


Also, I’m an amateur, but my graphics are always loaded to:
which is the graphics section of my blog.

When you open a blend file deselect the LoadUI option in the file browser window. You can set this to be the default in the User Preferences

Wow, I feel incredibly stupid, thanks!