Blender 2.5/6 Materials and Textures Cookbook

Hi All,

Well although it may have been some time since I produced a new tutorial, or demonstrated some of my Blender discoveries, I have in actual fact been quite busy writing a new book, Blender 2.5 Materials and Textures Cookbook, by PACKT Publishing.
In a shameless attempt to promote this small contribution to the understanding of Blender I have mounted a few sneak peek animations on both Youtube.

and Vimeo

I will also be putting up more details of this project on my website with some clearer ideas on the publication date and also ways that you can obtain early copies of the book.

Colin Litster (Cog)

excellent this is just the kind of book I have been looking for, this one and one on Rigging. Now if only someone would write on rigging than that would be awesome.


I’ll definitely purchase a copy :slight_smile:

hope to see some new tut on your site
in same style as before whit nicely written PDF tut

i like the way you tuts are written easy to understand and to follow and including sample file

i know 2.5 has so much new mat and texture features
and it shall be bver itnersting to see the tut your gone write up

and your site il always a good reference to mention fro mt text and technics

keep up the good work

Thanks and happy 2.5

Where can you get the downloads for the book. I have bought the electronic version and it is great but I do need some help on some of them like the ocean as it assumes you have a large blend file already downloaded but doesn’t say where from.

One would guess the book publisher’s website.

There is a support page on the Packt site but it is currently empty for this book but thank you for the suggestion

I’ve bought it (RAW version) yesterday. Its look very good in my opinion.
Hope I will have time to read it soon, to leave my feedback.

I’ve been looking for reviews of this book and I gotta tell you, any time Blender and cookbook are in the same key words you’d expect food recipes and things about cooking when searching. :eyebrowlift:

I’d definitely need this texturing book.

Any book about photorealistic rendering in Yafaray or Luxrender? These guys at Yaf/Luxr should come up with one and make some cash. :yes: