Blender 2.5 Development Updates

Yep :slight_smile:

I really like how you can drag new views in and out without using the menu, that was a great idea by whoever made it up!


OoOoOh… Another 2000 lines of code…

…And we now have the B-key (select) function. Doesn’t sound like much you say?
Well - notice how “grayed out” it used to be… now it’s “VERY” clear to see
kind of like “photoshop or gimp” selection…very visible - Me like! :smiley:

Will the entire selection area be shaded too like in, if not, will there be a way to show what objects will be selected before confirming it?

How can people help you when all you do is scream murder and fire?

Make people help you by telling them what exactly is going wrong.

Blenderman: he has a point, stop screaming at the top of your lungs when you have a problem and ask in a mature way that just talks what the problem is and ask for help.

I know you’re 10 but you should act older than that when you have a problem.

K, Guys I’m not disagreeable so I’ll explain.
I built the most recent build, tried over again, but after compiling, no matter what Blender no start.
When I delete Ubuntu’s and put on Open SuSe I think this’ll be fixed. :smiley:

I think you guys are right… :confused: I do scream. (Well, technically, I don’t physically scream, but rather, uh ,digital screaming. Or Cyberscreaming. :confused: )

Blender has always had a way of suprising me! Every time I master some new ausome feature, another new ausome feature comes out for me to master.

I’m really excited about all the great developments. With all the work in 2.50 and the addition of animsys2, will Blender finally have the option to make Y up?

Hey guys I have a question. According to Blender 2.5 won’t have a new animation system. So what is this animsys2 then?

Do not worry. In fact AnimSys 2 is being ported already in Blender 2.5 as you can see here or according to explicit confirmation from Aligorith (the brilliant author of AnimSys 2 ) here (
Anyway the speed of Blender 2.5 coding is really insane and nice is that also new features are implemented or invented (I am really curious how macros will be handled). Big thank to all coders. It seems that by the spring we could have it :slight_smile:

Edit: The Verb, maybe it would be nice if you as the author of this thread could update thread title (in advanced tools). Something like “Blender 2.5 updates” thread as was already mentioned here :slight_smile:

Wow, the updates are coming thick and fast. It’s very pleasing to see there’s some speed and memory updates as well :smiley:

Please. More screenshots of the new stuff. :slight_smile:

Done :slight_smile:
What do you think of the new title? is it suitable?

Really nice, they didn’t mention this in the focus roadmap.

Buggy node editor I’m working on :slight_smile:

ps. yes, I am aware of the discrepancies between screenshot and 2.48a :wink:

that looks so cool jesterking :eek:

PLEASE tell me that will work with game engine logic =)

that doesn’t sound the way I meant it, it’s VERY COOL either way =)

or arbitrary code the community can enter in the python themselves =)

The nodes from the screen look a lot like the Aero stuff in Windows Vista.

I hope it’s a lot more powerful than the old node editor.

Meanwhile Ton unlocks a hidden feature which is some ‘interactive mode’ for buttons according to the mailing lists, I wonder what that will allow.

The nodes from the screen look a lot like the Aero stuff in Windows Vista.

Dang, do we have to upgrade our systems to run 2.50?

what do u mean, if ur sytem can run a 3d app it should be able to display semi transparent node windows