Blender 2.5 Is F***ing Awesome.

I think the major annoyance so far for advanced users like endi is that the workflow in 2.5 so far has been largely mouse-geared. Many of the previous key combos for menus are there, but those essential F5-9 keys to quickly go back and forward from the settings panels are nowhere to be seen, instead people need to hover the mouse on top of the panels heading and select one or even scroll wheel until the one they need appear…

It’ll all be back in time for production, I believe… :yes:

Or… shift+fn<key#> to switch between the workspace types.

Now if only I could learn how to ‘use Blender for something’…

I also prefer the 2.49 interface. There are less clicking, scrolling and dragging when using it than 2.5.

To me, modelling, texturing are certainly faster in 2.49.

If you knew 2.49 inside and out, it was extremely fast to use.

2.5 is much easier to learn for newbies.

I’m somewhere in between and I very much prefer 2.5.

There’s certainly a lot of clicking while they don’t bring back Blender’s classic key combos. But there is just about as much scrolling and dragging, only vertically rather than horizontally. You can always zoom into the panels to get screen space back…

To me, modelling, texturing are certainly faster in 2.49.

you are insane.

In 2.5 modeling, I have to num5 after rotate and for zoom, I like pink vertices in 2.49 (2.5 black).
blender modeling tool like silo 1.4, it’s fast but when silo go to 2.0 they change it then good feel gone…
I don’t like it occur with blender.But I’m not Pro, so it’s only newbie opinions.

This is not the thing i wanted to point out ( also counts for ropsta’s remark…).
I mean: if someone having some (even few) experience with common 3D apps around… comes to something that needs to first learn all the keyboard shortcuts before he can even start to deform a cube, it is VERY painfull.
Now, with 2.5, Blender has IMO a perceptible and adapted logic. Of course, like as in (practically) all apps, one has to still find out where some buttons are to be found in order to perform specific stuff… But, at least, you can open the app and start having a friendly overview and a much faster way to handle stuff.
I think 'till 2.49, Blender was very much a more “programmer app” (careless of any esthetic and more directed towards code lining lovers) intended. 2.5 has become more “user friendly” and adapted to people who just need a box of creativ tools (you know, something like taking a brush and a tube of oilpaint and just DO “something”).
Of course, this is just my feeling about the matter, and my intention is not to say that the Blender veterans where completely crazy fanatic geeks… :eyebrowlift:

I think, for example, the outliner is good, it is compact, readable. The properties window uses space to separate buttons, maybe it should use different colors (in the the outliner, 2 lines are of different colors) or a separation like a line, or something else.
Another small thing is that we cannot see clearly at a glance the beginning and the end of a panel.

Aye, completely agree. I was really happy to see that Blenderlabrat bmesh preview video though, not only in bevel back but there is now a tool that can cut from one vert to another! Been waiting for something like that!

Why you call me insane ???