Blender 2.55 - orbit shortcut key not working

Previously I have used Opt + LMB to orbit around a selection (I’m on a Mac)
Has this changed to another key or is it a bug still to be fixed?


it has changes indeed, but you can set your own settings now:

  1. Press CTRL-ALT (Opt) and U, the user preferences window opens
  2. Go to Input tab
  3. In the middle you see a list beginning with Window, Screen, View 2D etc.
  4. Go to 3D View
  5. on the right side, click the Edit button to make the options editable
  6. Click on the small arrow in front of 3D View (Global)
  7. A list of shortcuts is presented, scroll down to the View Orbit settings (there are several)
  8. Click on the small arrow of View Orbit and view the shortcut settings inside
  9. You can change now these settings to whatever you like

Hope that helps!

In the User Preferences / Input settings ensure ‘Emulate 3 Button Mouse’ box is enabled and in the Interface settings select ‘Rotate Around Selection’