Blender 2.59 packing problem!

Hi everyone. I’m have a problem with “pack into blend file” and sound.If i try to packed files into blend blender give me error

"Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend extures\Ryukzak.png”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend extures\sky.jpg”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Sounds-hp.wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\S
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to S
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Sounds\Knife.wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Sounds\Knife.wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Sounds\swing.wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend\sounds\swing.wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend\sounds\zombi(walk).wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\Blend\Try to Survive\B
lend\Try to Survive\Blend\sounds\zombi(walk).wav”
Error: Unable to pack file, source path not found: “C:\Try to Survive\Blend\Try
to Survive\Sounds\zombi(walk).wav”

and all textures and sounds are deletes from blend.If i’m not packed textures and sounds, save blend and exit, the open this blend sounds not working.

It’s got confused with the source file locations when trying to pack.

i know this) but how it fixed

have you tried File --> External data --> make all paths relative option and then try packing them once again.

if that didnt work try the same on a latest graphicall build. =]

heh. BA was offline for a sec.
Double post!

gotta bump this thread, just wanted to say thanks to karakasimov, setting paths relative worked for me, i just found that i had this problem after moving all all my models on to another computer, this has done the trick nicely though

P.s. im using 2.62