Blender 2.59 - Sunlamp Color/Energy Help

Hello everyone,

I was watching a tutorial (seemed to be using a recent version of Blender but didn’t specify which version) and the tutorial maker added a sunlamp and set the Color and Energy parameters. I am using 2.59 and it looks like the parameters have maybe been changed for sunlamps in 2.59? (or am I missing something). There don’t seem to be any settings for color and Energy for a Sunlamp in 2.59. So two questions:

1). How can I set the color for a sunlamp in 2.59 (there doesn’t seem to be an option for this) and

2). Does anyone know how the Energy setting in prior versions of Blender relate to the Gain settings in 2.59?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Downloaded the blender 2.60RC1 and changed the lamp to a sun. In the lamp settings are the colour and Energy settings as normal.

Thanks for your reply Richard,

I realized that I had the Luxrender renderer selected instead of the internal. Didn’t realize that would change the lamp settings: / Guess the setups are different in Luxrender.

Sure, I’ve read that Emission is preferred in Luxrender (but never read anywhere why), but lamps have seemed to work in Luxrender renders, so not sure why the settings would be different. But in any case … that’s not a Blender question, so forgive the tangent.

Thanks again for your help!