blender 2.7 and second life .dae files

please help

this is the zip file from second life that they say should be used and works, it consists of skeleton.female.blend, skeleton.female.dae, etc
if I upload to second life their original skeleton.female.dae all works well
but if I open skeleton.female.blend in blender 2.7 and without changing anything, export as dae using blenders presets, all is deformed after checking skin box, and also when I wear the avatar
if I import their dae file into blender and export as above all is bad again
so it appears to me that exporting dae from blender 2.7 to second life is bugged or a setting that needs my attention, second life states, ensure rig is facing pos x and do a crt/a to fix rotation and scale before exporting
2 weeks now I have googled and tried all I can find to fix, but as per pics attached no luck :frowning:
please reply with fix :slight_smile:

Hey man! i had that issue too, it’s because you need the rig to be rotated, let me show you:


Check out the rotation of the armature, for some reason when you do your own armature you need X and Z to be 90 degrees rotated before export which is facing up positive Z and using X as lateral axis as if the armature were lying on it’s back on the ground.

What i did to fix that is position the armature lying down apply the rotation with Ctrl-A and then move back up to the normal position facing positive X and pointing up to positive Z, using Y as lateral axis.

then, without applying the rotation, export the dae, that should do the trick.

Good luck with that!

thanks man for helping, not sure what I need do, using my rig above could you give me step by step instructions I need do, have tried what I think you mean but no fix, so I guess I am missing something
btw I use second life’s skeleton as per zip file above and delete their model and some bones (optional ones only) then align my model to fit their skeleton and then just skin, doing this I was hoping that no rotation issues will be caused as their skeleton was used as the reference
can you try using skeleton.female.blend (zip file above) and see if without mods you can upload when you export as dae ( I can’t)
í am noob with blender so sorry for all the questions