Hi all, I installed blender 2.70 on my macbook and I have a weird viewport issue,
I don’t know how to described it exactly, is like viewport flickering or trembling, so I uploaded a youtube somple video
to check it:
On windows 8 and opensuse 2.70 works fine, also 2.69 and 2.70 RC on macbook worked great without problems.
Any idea?
Me again, this issue is really odd because nobody else seems to have the same issue on mac.
I deleted also all preferences but still no luck. I also tried a latest release from buildbot but the same.
Can’t think anything else. Is possible to find the 2.70 RC at least?
Hi, just guessing, try different Window Draw Method in User Preferences > system.
Also switch off/on VBO.
This is may a video card/driver problem, try to switch off Anti Aliasing in you driver settings.
Cheers, mib.
Thank you very much mib, tried all your suggestions with no luck, however I tried some other things also and as I unchecked
Continuous Grab problem solved !! Maybe has something to do with mac because I also check it on Windows and OpenSuse and it works fine. Please anyone else with mac try this to see if this is a bug.
Thanks again